The Last Living Black!

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*Bellatrix pulls her want out and points in at sirius* K: "Dad lookout" *Bellatrix, kills Sirius* K: "Daddy, no. No, No." *Kimberly screaming and crying* K: "No dad" *Harry, Fred, Tonks, Arthur, Molly, Ron, and Hermione still battling Voldemort and Bellatrix* *Voldemort is sent away by dumbledore* *Kimberly runs after Bellatrix* K: "Auntie Bella how could you? *Kimberly points her wand at Bellatrix* CRUCIO" *Bellatrix starts screaming* A: "Kimberly stop" K: "How could you, the only real family I had left, and you killed him just like you did mum" BL: "Kimberly darling it's nothing personal, just business dear" *Bellatrix, apparates out*K: "Why did she have to do this, leave me as the last living Black, I just wish I had said goodbye, I'll miss you daddy may we meet again!" R: "May we meet again" 

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