11 years later!

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I walked in to the living room to sit down for some peace, but as I got in the chair it was wet.  I got up K: "George it's time" G: "Already, your not due till March." K: "Well they decided to make an early entrance." We got our things and headed to the hospital, and a few hours later our sweet babies were born. *2 weeks later* G: "We're here!" *everyone rushes downstairs. M: "You all are finally home. " K: "It's nice to be home!" It felt like forever being there. 

*11 years later*

The last 11 years have flown by,  in the blink of an eye.  George and I took the triplets to King's Cross, to put them on the train. K&G: "We will send letters, and see you on holidays, we love you!" We waved our goodbyes and with that they were gone.


Sorry to end it so soon, but let me know if you'd like to have a story about the triplets.

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