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K: "UNCLE REMUS WE'RE BACK" RL: "Okay, Tonks and I are heading out, little baby shopping" K: "Alright have fun" *Kimberly, goes to change into her pjs, and comes back downstairs* G: "Hey babe, are you feeling okay, you look a little pale" K: "I feel fine, its probably nothing" G: "Okay, if you start to feel bad let me know" K: "Im fine Georgie, but if it changes you will be the first to know, let's watch a movie" G: "Okay what do you want to watch?" K: "Forrest Gump" G: "Oh alright" (3 hours later) RL: "WE'RE HOME" K: "Okay, Uncle Remus, I need to talk to you" *Remus and Kimberly step outside* RL: "What is it dear" K: "How do I tell George we're gonna have to move" RL: "Move why" K: "Because, all eight of us can't stay here, there just isn't enough room" RL: "Did you forget I can make more room, darling stop worrying so much, we will all be fine" K: "I didn't forget but with you and Tonks having your kids and George and I starting a family, I just feel like it's gonna be too much on everyone!" RL: "Nonsense sweetheart, it will take time to get used to, but we are all gonna work together, and we are gonna make this work" K: "Okay, I just I don't want us to feel like a burden to you" RL: "Kimberly you could never be a burden to me, the day you were born I was there, I have been here for everything, you are one of the greatest blessings your father ever gave me" K: "Uncle Remus, you're gonna make me cry" RL: "Well O suggest crying inside the tears will freeze to your face out here" 

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