The Three Broomsticks!

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G: "thanks for letting me bring you out Kimberly!" K: "Thank you for bringing me out, your more of a man than Cedric!" Waiter: "what do you want to eat?" K: "can I get a butterbeer, and the chicken salad" Waiter: "of course and for you sir" G: "I'd like a butterbeer as well and the turkey leg platter" Waiter: "of course we'll have those out in a bit." K&G: "Thank you" *the waiter comes back with our food and drinks* Waiter: "enjoy" K&G: "Thank you!" G: "so Kimberly if this date goes well, would you consider being my girlfriend?" K: "George, I would love that!" G: "really, Fred said you would say no!" K: "George your lovely why would I say no" G: "Well he said you would say no because we just met!" K: "I had just met Cedric too, I said yes to him sorta" G: "Yea, that's why I didn't understand, why he would say that!" K: "Georgie, me or any girl would be lucky to go out with you!" G: "You think so? I was gonna talk to you about it the other day, but you had already said yes to Cedric." K: "Well I would be honored to go on more dates with you George!" G: "In that case, how would you feel about going to get ice cream after this and a walk around the village!" K: "I would like that Georgie!" *after dinner*

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