Diagon Alley Kim's POV!

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We arrived in Diagon Alley, as we were getting ready to walk into The Leaky Cauldron, George stopped outside a window. K: "What is it honey?" G: "What oh I found this book Fred was looking for" K: "Then let's go get it" G: "I don't have any money" K: "I didn't ask if you did, let's go grab it" As we walked in the store I spotted the book George was talking about, he grabbed it and we went to the counter. A: "ah, ms. Black, is this all for you" K: "Um, one second, *Kimberly grabbed a book and headed back to the counter* okay that's all Alistar, thank you" A: "Alright, here you go" George and I were heading out when Alistar said "Kimberly, tell your father I said hello will you" K: "Of course Alistar thank you again have a good day" A: "You as well dear" And with that George and I made our way to The Leaky Cauldron I stepped in and immediately spotted Draco. *George and I walked over and sat down* K: "Hey Draco" D: "Kim, hey I thought you weren't coming" K: "No, George and I stopped at Obscurus books, he found a book Fred had been wanting, I found one I have been looking for, so we stopped there, but you know I never miss lunch, but what about you, how are we gonna do lunches when you go back the same way we did them my first two years" D: "I guess, I can apparate to you house we could have lunch there if that's alright with Sirius" K: "Oh yea, he will be fine, plus it's only for an hour or two" D: "Alright" K: "I know I just saw you yesterday and I meant to ask, but does Narcissa have plans for next saturday" D: "None that I know of, why" K: "Oh I was gonna send her an owl, see if she had time to see me" D: "My parents adore you, i'm sure they will make time" K: "Okay good" The rest of lunch was filled with laughter and stories (an hour later) K: "Well, Draco lunch was lovely as always, meet back here next Friday, yes?" D: "Well of course Kim" K: "Okay and tell your parents I said hello will you" D: "Sure will, bye Kim" K: "Bye Draco" As George and I left The Leaky Cauldron, I spotted Harry and the others. K: "Harry, good timing" H: "Thank you, we have one more shop to look at is that alright" K: "Sure take your time" G: "You're so sweet" K: "I try" (10 minutes later) H: "Okay were ready to go" (they all apparate back to the house)

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