Surprise. pt. 1!

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(2 months after the wedding)

*Kimberly feels sick and runs to the bathroom, George comes in behind her* G: "hey whats wrong babe" K: "I don't know I just feel awful" G: "okay lets go to the hospital" (at the hospital) nurse: "tell me your symptoms hun" K: "headache nausea back pain cravin- oh my god" nurse: "so you know what it is i take it" K: "I think so" G: "care to fill me in" nurse: "sir your wife's pregnant, congratulations" G: "oh wow, can we see them" *nurse does an ultrasound* nurse: "there they are three little babies" K: "three! Triplets Georgie!" G: "well looks like we're gonna have a big family too honey" K: "ain't that it, lets go tell uncle Remus, and um I know its probably stupid but I wanna tell my parents too" G: "its not stupid honey, you lost someone dear to you, we will go okay" *Kimberly and George apparate home as they live in the Black Residence now* K: "uncle Remus!" *Remus comes running down the stairs* RL: "are you okay? Are you-" *he listens for a minute* RL: "you're Pregnant!" K: "I am!" *Remus hugs Kimberly and George* RL: "oh congratulations you two" *Tonks comes down the stairs* T: "what did they do?"

RL: "she's pregnant" T: "oh congratulations! We can be pregnant together!" *Kimberly starts laughing* K: "yay! Uncle Remus, can you come with me to the cemetery please?" RL: "of course I will"

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