All Aboard!

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*Kimberly sitting in a compartment alone* G: “Is this spot taken?” K: “Huh? Oh no, it’s yours if you want it!” G: “Thanks I’m George this is my brother Fred!” K: “I’m Kimberly, Kimberly Black!” G: “Wait as in Sirius Black?” K: “Yea, he’s my father!” F&G: “Wicked!” K: “I like you two, I think we would be good friends!” F: “Sounds good to me!” G: “Me too!” *Cedric opens the compartment door* CD: “Hey Fred! Hey George!” G&F: “Hey Cedric” G: “This is our new friend Kimberly!” CD: “Hello Gorgeous!” *Kimberly blushes*K: “Oh um, hello Cedric!” G: “Why don’t you sit and talk with us Cedric?” CD: “Oh alright” *Cedric sits next to Kimberly* G: “So Cedric what did you do over the summer, since we haven’t seen you since before?” CD: “Oh my dad has been taking me travelling, we went to Paris, Italy, and Egypt!” K: “That sounds cool, do you have any pictures!” CD: “Actually I have tons, would you like to see them?” K: “Oh may I?” CD: “Of course!” *Cedric hands Kimberly the pictures, and Kimberly flips through them* K: “Wow this one is beautiful!” CD: “Not as beautiful as you!” *Kimberly blushes* K: “Thank you Cedric!” CD: “You’re welcome!” G: “Hey Cedric quit trying to steal our new friend!” F: “Yea what George said!” K: “Calm down I’m still gonna be your friend!” F&G: “Promise?” K: “I Promise!” F: “Okay” CD: “Well I can see you already have yourself some protectors” K: “Apparently!” *The four of them spend some time getting to know each other* K: “Any of you know how long until we will be there?” CD: “About two hours, why?” K: “Oh, I was just gonna take a nap, I’ve been to excited to sleep lately” CD: “Oh, you have enough time, i’ll wake you up when we get there” K: “Thanks Cedric,do you care if I lay my head on you?” CD: “No that’s fine” *Kimberly goes to sleep on Cedrics shoulder* CD: “She looks so beautiful!” G: “Cedric has a crush on our new friend Fred!” F: “I see that Georgie” CD: “She’s amazing, so much personality, seems very loving and caring.” G: “You should ask her out, but don’t hurt her because then we will have to hurt you!” CD: “I’ll think about it, and if I do i’ll keep that in mind!” *Train arrives at the station* *Cedric wakes Kimberly up* CD: “Hey Kimberly,we’re here!” K: “Okay, thanks Cedric!” *they all grab their luggage and get off* 

The Daughter of Sirius Black! G.WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now