Surprise. pt. 3!

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G: "good your home I made dinner for the five of us" K: "five George there's only four" *Fred walks in* F: "I'm offended you don't want me" *Kimberly hugs Fred* K: "Freddie when did you get here" F: "right after you two left, Georgie told me the news congratulations" K: "thanks Freddie! Are you just paying a visit" F: "actually Angelina and I are fighting and I was hoping I could stay here a few days" K: "of course Freddie you know you're always welcome here" F: "thank you my little firecracker" K: "is that your new nickname for me, firecracker?" F: "yea I think it suits you" RL: "it definitely suits her" K: "UNCLE REMUS!" G: "hey easy honey" RL: "See, firecracker" F: "Anyways thanks for letting me stay here, with you guys" K: "Anytime Freddie, now uncle Remus, would you show, Fred to his room, please?" RL: "Of course" F: "Afraid to say no or talk back Remus" RL: "Kinda two pregnant ladies are scary when they gang up on you" F: "I suppose" K: "GO!" RL: "Okay we're going" K: "Good, hey Georgie, we should tell your parents" G: "Okay do you want to go now or wait a little bit" K: "Can we go now" G: "Of course, HEY FREDDIE?" F: "Yea, im right here man, I just got back down" G: "We're going to see mum, do you wanna come" F: "If that's alright with both of you" K&G: "Well of course" 

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