Kim's Pov!

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George and I cleaned up after the party, as everyone else went to bed, I didn't mind I always loved my alone time with Georgie, when we finished George led me downstairs to the bedroom, which was now the only room in the basement, he took me the the bedroom, I took my shoes off and he pushed me against the wall, removing my dress, kissing every inch of my body he could get his lips on, leaving marks everywhere he could, the second I could I threw him on the bed and straddled him, I said is this the surprise you had in mind, he said no I had something else in mind, but we can do that tomorrow. I told him but I wanna know, he looked at me said, you shouldn't have started this, but he started it, I sat there on his lap, feeling every inch of him, and finally I gave in, as his hands trailed my body I slowly relaxed, waiting, and waiting, I looked at him, I said so much for waiting till marriage, as you told my dad, when you first met him, as I said this he looked at me, he said I know what I said, I think we both know I didn't mean it, I did I knew he didn't mean it, but I'm not mad, as I was deep in thought, he continued to kiss me, and I finally snapped out of it, he asked if I was okay, of course I said yes, because I didn't want him to stop. He placed his hand on my thigh, and began to squeeze. He placed himself inside me and began to thrust, he seemed like he knew what he was doing I trusted him, and he trusted me, I knew I was in good hands, he moved me to where he thought I was more comfortable, it was sweet, he loved me with more of a passion than I've ever known and kissed me like my body was his oxygen, he continued for a while, and we had our fun, he planted a kiss on my lips and laid down beside me, both of us out of breathe. About an hour after that, we watched a movie, that's the last thing I remember. 

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