To Hogwarts We Go!

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M: "Okay, is everyone packed you have to go back to school now" F: "I need to grab one last thing"*Fred runs upstairs, and returns five minutes later* F: "Okay now I'm ready" G: "I have my trunk and Kim's" F: "Don't you mean and Kim" G: "Well I have her too" *They all laugh, and walk out of the burrow* *at Kings Cross they all board the the train* G: "Well, what do you all wanna do, now that we have a few hours to kill" K: "I don't really-"  *Cedric opens the compartment* CD: "Hey, can I sit with you guys" F: "No" K: "Yes, you can Cedric. Fred, Cedric and I have moved on and were friends, it's okay" F: "how did you forgive him so easy" K: "I forgave him, because he apologized, and I don't have time for petty disagreements" F: "Fine if you two are okay, i'll be nice" CD: "Look I am sorry, about what I did, Fred, can you forgive me too" F: "I can, but don't you try to get with her now" CD: "We are just friends" G: "Hey sunflower, I meant to give this to you the other day before we left Diagon Alley, but with what happened it slipped me mind!" *George pulls out a small box from his pocket and hands it to Kimberly* *Kimberly opens it to find this inside*

 Fred, Cedric and I have moved on and were friends, it's okay" F: "how did you forgive him so easy" K: "I forgave him, because he apologized, and I don't have time for petty disagreements" F: "Fine if you two are okay, i'll be nice" CD: "Look I am...

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K: "Oh Georgie, it's beautiful, thank you! You didn't have to do that though" G: "I know, I didn't but I did, because I saw it and couldn't stop thinking about it, so I got it and thought Kim might like this" K: "Well thank you Georgie, I love it" G: "You're welcome love" 

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