Dear Diary!

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Today is May 14th, 1997, my last day at Hogwarts finally, I'm coming home for good but this day  today particularly is special for me it's my birthday. I have been so excited for today, my friends however didn't tell me happy birthday, I received an owl this morning from Fred and George wishing me a happy birthday and saying they would meet me at King's Cross, I have missed the twins! I sit with Draco on the rides home, his friends don't like me, but I don't mind them to much. Draco doesn't let them say anything mean to me, my favorite part is that today marked the end of my time at Hogwarts. Sad for it to be gone, George said he has a surprise for me, we're still going strong for seven years now, I'm excited to see where this takes us, with me being home more. Being able to spend more time with him and Fred of course, when I get the chance to go I visit Cedric's grave, he was murdered during the triwizard tournament, I miss him, but I know mum is watching him up their. 

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