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(Everyone goes back to the Black residence) K: "Its just me now, I'm the last living member of the Black family" Kreacher: "Master Black, I have finished- wait where is Master Black?" K: "I'm right here" Kreacher: "No Sirius Black" K: "Kreacher Sirius is dead, I am the last Black" Kreacher: "Oh so sorry for your loss, well Mistress Black, I have finished preparing the rooms, for everyone, as per your fathers request" K: "Thank you Kreacher" Kreacher: "Kreacher lives to serve the noble house of Black" RL: "Kimberly I'm so sorry" *Remus hugs Kimberly, and Kimberly gasps and freezes* RL: "Kimberly what's going on" *Remus lets go of Kimberly* RL: "Kimberly sweetheart talk to me" K: "Wait a second uncle Remus do it again" *Remus hugs Kimberly and she tenses up again* *after five minutes Remus lets go* RL: "What's going on dear" K: "I saw you" RL: "Well I'm standing right here" K: "No I *Kimberly starts to tear up* I saw you die, uncle Remus" RL: "What?" K: "I saw it, I don't know how, but I saw it" RL: "Well, tell me" K: "You died in the battle of Hogwarts, and from the looks of it Tonks, you do too" RL: "Maybe we can fix it" K: "I don't know" *Fred puts his hand on Kimberly's shoulder and she tenses up* (a few minutes later) *Kimberly runs upstairs crying and Remus runs up after her* 

The Daughter of Sirius Black! G.WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now