Dumbledores Office!

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AD: “Ahh mr. Weasley good I needed to see you too.” G: “Wait me for what? I came up here to ask sirius a question” S: “Well what did you want to ask me?” G: “Um, I wanted to ask if Kimberly could join Ron, Fred, and I at the burrow next weekend” S: “Why would she need to go to the burrow?” G: “I- I- Uh-” K: “George, is my boyfriend and just wants me to go with him” G: “Um, should I run now sir?” S: “What? I can’t believe this Kimberly” K: “Dad don’t start this, he has been super nice to me since we met, we went on a date yesterday, because my original date told me he wouldn’t go after he found out I was your daughter, just having your last name ruins things for me, don’t ruin this please, George just asked me out this morning, so please let me have this” S: “Fine, for you dear! I’m keeping an eye on you though Weasley, but if you want to go with him that’s fine, but I want to know it’s okay with Mrs. Weasley first” G: “I sent her a letter the other day I just got the response this morning, it’s right here if you want to read it” *Sirius reads the letter from Mrs. Weasley* S: “Alright, that’s fine you can go” K: “Okay, now What was it you wanted to talk to me about professor.” AD: “well actually it was Sirius who wanted to talk to you.” K: “Dad?” S: “Listen kiddo, your uncle Remus, is coming in tonight and I was hoping you would come home?” K: “Uncle Remus is coming, of course I’m coming, can Draco come too! I’m sure he would love to see you and Uncle Remus?” S: “Sure, would you like to come to George? You Fred, and Ron can all come if you like!” G: “Fred and I would love too, but Ron doesn’t want, to leave his friends behind!” S: “They can come too” K: “Dad you don’t have to” S:”Well if he is your boyfriend I should get to know him better!” K: “I guess” G: “Darling if you’re uncomfortable with me-” K: “George I don’t mind that you go, but dad you have to be on your best behavior!” S: “Of course Dear!” K: “are we leaving now.” S: “No, your boyfriend and your friends need to pack.” K: “Okay, i’ll go talk to Draco, let him know to get ready” S: “Okay sweetheart!” *George goes to tell everyone to pack, and to pack his things” 

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