The Burrow! Part 2

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*The Next Morning*
K: "Good morning Georgie" G: "Good morning darling" *the two get out of bed and head downstairs* G: "looks like its just us up, can I show you something outside?" K: "of course you can Georgie!" *George takes Kimberly to the top of the mountain*

G: "well what do you think, Gorgeous?"K: "that it is!" G: "I was talking about you!" *Kimberly blushes* K: "well i was talking about the view!" G: "your both Gorgeous to me" K: "aww thank you Georgie!" *as the sun rises over the mountain, Kimberly...

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G: "well what do you think, Gorgeous?"
K: "that it is!" G: "I was talking about you!" *Kimberly blushes* K: "well i was talking about the view!" G: "your both Gorgeous to me" K: "aww thank you Georgie!" *as the sun rises over the mountain, Kimberly and George head back to the burrow to find everyone has woken up* M: "where did you run off too" G: "I took her to watch the sunrise mum!" M: "Alright but next time leave a note!" G: "yes mum" M: "hungry everyone?" R: "yes" G: "when aren't you hungry?" *Kimberly playfully hits George* K: "stop that be nice" R: "finally, someone to stick up for me" *Kimberly giggles* G: "I love your giggle" F: "It is adorable" K: "thank you Georgie, thank you Fred!" *Kimberly goes upstairs and George follows her* *Kimberly is changing, when George walks in* K: "GEORGE!" G: "What? Oh sorry! You look good like that though" K: "George, either get out or shut the door" *George shuts the door, as he runs over to Kimberly, and picks her up and George kisses Kimberly with a passion* K: "George" G: "Yes darling?" *Kimberly leans down to whispers in Georges ear* K: "I love you Georgie!" G: "I love you too Sunflower!" K: "why do you call me sunflower" G: "when we were walking up to burrow yesterday I noticed you looking at the sunflowers, and so came your new nickname" K: "its cute honey" G: "so what do you wanna do today?" K: "I have some things I need from Diagon alley, can we go?" G: "of course, what all do you need?" K: "well i still need my potions book, I've been using a classroom book, and I need a new wand, because Cedric sat on mine" G: "what were you doing with Cedric?" K: "Cedric and I are okay. He apologized and said he shouldn't have judged me for who my father was,  so we became potions partners and I sat my wand in his seat and he sat on it so I need a new one!" G: "oh, why didn't you tell me, you and Cedric made up" K: "well I was gonna tell you, but then every time I would try to tell you, you would run off with Fred or Lee or someone" G: "I'm sorry love" (an hour later Diagon Alley)

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