The Wedding .pt. 1!

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 RL: "Are you ready dear" K: "Yes and no" RL: "What do you mean" K: "Nothing I just wish dad was here" RL: "I wish your father was here too, I miss him terribly" *Kimberly starts to tear up as Ginny and Molly walk in* M: "Oh dear, are you okay" K: "I'll be okay, I just need a minute to collect myself" *Ginny hugs Kimberly* G: "what's going on?" K: "I- I just want my dad to be here" G: "Oh Kimberly I'm so sorry, but you know, I know that Sirius would be so sad to see you crying on your wedding day" K: "Yea, you're right, thanks Ginny" G: "You're welcome now lets get you down the aisle before the waterworks start again" *Kimberly laughs* RL: "Ready" K: "Ready" *Remus walks Kimberly down the aisle* Minister: " Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of God to join this man, and this woman in holy matrimony. Not to be entered into lightly, holy matrimony should be entered into solemnly and with reverence and honor. ... Marriage is a sacred union between husband and wife and shall remain unbroken the couple has written their own vows... *George and Kimberly say their vows* I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride" G: "Don't mind if I do" *George kisses Kimberly* G: "I love you Kimberly Black Weasley!" K: "I love you too George!" (The reception) K: "Can you believe it George, we are officially married" G: "I'm still trying to wrap my head around it" GW: "Can I have everyone's attention its now time for me, the maid of honor to give her speech, *everyone goes silent* thank you! It has been almost eight years since I first learned of Kimberly, now she is one of my best friends, I have George to thank for that, its been 4 months since I learned that she was going to be my sister in law, and I have never been more excited, Kimberly, you have given me some of the best memories of my life,and I can't thank you enough for that George, and as for you Georgie, I have never seen you happier than you are with Kim, I remember christmas break of your first year, you came home with the widest smile I had ever seen on you, you wouldn't shut up about Kim, but she made you happy and that was all that mattered to me, I love you and wish you both the best. Congratulations!"

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