Part 7- Oh Hey Look Finally A New POV

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Vigilante!Deku AU Part 7

Todoroki POV

'Well, isn't today boring.'  Nothing happens around UA. I expected things to be more exciting, but the school had seemed somewhat low-energy so far. It was a little disappointing. Of course, it had also been only a few weeks, so I guess there was still time.

I had tentatively made "friends" with a few people- Iida Tenya, Tsuyu Asui, and Ochako Uraraka. We weren't close, but we talked every once and a while.

Today, however, Uraraka ran up to me, out of breath. 'Odd. She never comes to me with such urgency unless it's important.' I turned to her. "What is it?"

She held up a finger, signifying she needed a moment. Iida and Asui came running after her, both significantly less winded. "Did you hear, kero?"

"Hear what?"

Iida started again with his signature choppy-hand gesture. "We should not be spreading rumors, you two!"

Uraraka looked up at him, still panting slightly. "I'm sure it's fine." She turned to me next. "I heard that there's gonna be a new student today!"

"Starting so late?"

"I guess so. I'm excited to see who it is!"

'Huh. I guess things do happen around here after all.'

~~Time Skip~~

"Alright sit down and shut up everyone. We have an announcement." Aizawa slithered out of his yellow sleeping bag and set it aside.

"Sensei, who's 'we?'"

Nezu pushed the door open, behind him All Might. "We!" The chirpy mammal pulled himself onto Aizawa's desk.

"Some of you may have heard that you will be having a new student. We are here to debunk that theory. You will be having a new student, but there is a catch." All Might took a place next to the door.

Aizawa sighted and stepped forward to fill in the rest. "Your new student is already far more experienced than you in hero work, and if I dare say, is already deserving of a full license. He will be wearing a mask at all times, and I think you will recognize him by it. He's here on my and Nezu's combined recommendation and he has full permission to defend himself from anything that may happen, so respect him and leave him be."

Nezu clapped his hands together as if the teacher had just said something delightful. "He is a strong young boy, and I expect you to treat him kindly."

One student, Katsuki Bakugou, scoffed. "How dumb does he have to be if you have to give him explicit permission to defend himself? Why would he need to anyway?"

"Well young Bakugou, we figured not a lot of you would be very happy having Japan's number 1 vigilante in your homeroom class." All Might turned to the door. "Young Black, please come in!"

The boy who walked in was definitely, 100 percent, no doubt, Japan's number 1 vigilante.


AAAAAAAA I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded! There has been a lot of change around my house and I got some very important things for Christmas. What thing could possibly take up a whole month? Try a new drawing tablet!

Up until Christmas, I was using my iPad to draw, however, I was gifted a Wacom Cintiq by my parents! It's a huge change and I'm sorry I allowed it to take up so much of my time.

Also, 400 reads? WHAT THE HECK! I never expected this little thing to get so popular so fast! Thank you all so much! A little update on my other story as well, "Hacker Deku." That story is completely unconnected to this series and is not my main priority so I expect Black Fox to be updating a lot more than that one.

Thank you again!


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