Part 18-Normal Class? Never.

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Todoroki POV

This was supposed to be a normal class.

It was not a normal class.

There were not supposed to be villains.

There were villains.

A huge mass of them on the floor of the USJ building. There must have been at least a hundred, all with unique quirks they were probably planning to use to beat us into the ground.

The class took a step back. Aizawa and Fox took a step forward. The teacher gave the vigilante a glance and motioned for him to join the other students. "Stay back, Fox. This is dangerous."

He tilted his mask in Aizawa's direction. "My life is dangerous. And I'm stronger than you."

Aizawa practically snarled through his teeth, "Stay back. You are a student, I am a pro hero and a teacher. It's my job to protect you."

Fox didn't back down, as I had expected. "Bringing down villains is my job. Don't forget, I'm only here for a legal hero license."

Somebody called from the back, "Shouldn't we call for help?"

I shook my head but Fox spoke first. "If the alarms didn't go off, they probably have someone jamming the signals. We probably won't be able to call for help unless we do it manually, by getting out of the exit."

Aizawa grunted. I guess that must have been a sign of relent for Fox because in sync the two pros leaped off the massive stairwell and began rocketing towards the villains. Many in the class gasped but when the villains who appeared to have long-range quirks stepped forward, nothing happened. 'Aizawa's quirk.'

The long-ranged villains were wrapped up and bashed together in Aizawa's capture gear before Fox was on the rest of them. Absentmindedly, I wondered where he got the gun he pointed and fired at the villains.

Fox appeared content to cut down the mass of villains while Aizawa headed for a man in the back. He had blue-grey shaggy hair and visibly pale skin. Before he could reach it, however, more villains stopped him. The other teacher with us, Thirteen, urged us to run for the exit.

I heard a loud curse from Aizawa before a rush of dark purple and flecks of gold swept in front of the class, blocking us from the exit. A dark echoing voice came from a blob of the smog that had two flickering golden eyes. "I won't let you." The entire class prepared for an attack that never came. Instead, there was only the echoing voice. "Nice to meet you. We are the League of Villains." 'Oddly well-mannered for a villain.' "It may have been presumptuous of us, but we have invited ourselves into the home of the heroes, U.A. High School, in order to have All Might, the symbol of peace, take his last breath."

Thirteen moved to block the villain from reaching us, but I doubted she could do much. 'They want to kill All Might?' I mentally slapped myself. 'Of course, they do. To kill the symbol of peace is to cause widespread havoc and demoralization.'

The villain leaned forward a little, seemingly annoyed. "I believe All Might should have been here. Has there been some kind of change?" He settled back again. "Well, that is neither here nor there. This is the part I am to play." When the villain began to spread, like a curtain of mist that sang of danger, Thirteen finally made a move. One of the caps on her fingertips flicked off and she made to attack but held herself back as there were twin shouts.

Bakugou and Kirishima, in sync, leaped at the villain. There was a massive explosion. Kirishima and Bakugou were standing strong when the smoke cleared enough for me to see them. "Did you consider that you'd get beaten by us before you even did it?" Kirishima sounded strong but there was a tremor in his voice that showed his fear.

However, the villain seemed unharmed. "Oh dear, that's dangerous." the smoke cleared away completely. His face, a swirling mass of black and purple mist, twisted back into place. "That's right. Even if you are students, you are excellent golden eggs.

Thirteen called out for the two students to move away. "No! Move away, you two!"

Before anybody moved, though, tendrils of the dark mist fenced the whole class in. "My job is to scatter you all and torture you to death!"

The tendrils congealed into a swirling mass of darkness. The whole class braced themselves. I heard someone shout from outside the dome but I couldn't make out who it was. I considered attacking but then realized the rest of the class was in front of me, meaning I'd hit them too. 'So even now all I can do is sit still and take it?'

There was a rush of air, and then the villain, and my classmates, were gone. I stood in the mountain section of the USJ building, surrounded by villains.

'Wonderful. Just what I needed today.'




Hi everyone! Really sorry I've been gone so long. I've been working on finishing up another project(My webcomic) and it's going well! Anyway, I've decided that this will now no longer be a top priority of mine. Meaning, when I have time I'll work on more important things firt but if I can I'll work on this. Hope you understand and thanks for waiting!

I'm actually rewatching the anime USJ for this because it's been so long haha '>w>

Word count: 835

Have a nice day! Thanks for reading!


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