Part 11-Todoroki Knows No Fear

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Days passed. Classes came and went. Nobody talked to Izuku, except for Aizawa, the other teachers, and, curiously, one person: Shoto Todoroki.

Deku POV

I scribbled an answer onto the page in front of me. The air surrounding the students of the classroom was still and silent, the only sounds being Aizawa's snores from the corner and the quiet crunch of Tokoyami Fumikage's Dark Shadow eating an apple.

Absentmindedly, I wondered whether when Dark Shadow ate if the sustenance disappeared or if it went to the bird-headed boy, like an umbilical cord. 'I'd ask him but he's afraid of me.'

I noticed I had finished the test. Rising, but making sure my chair was silent when I pushed it back, I walked to the front of the class. Along the way, I noticed Todoroki's eyes on me and not his paper. 'What is it with him? He doesn't seem scared or unsettled. Interested, maybe, but mostly unbothered by my presence. It's nice, I guess, but not normal.'

I dropped my test, covered in neat writing, on Aizawa's desk.

"Mrrrf?" He looked up, blinking bleary eyes at the crisp paper on his desk. "Oh. You can go, Black."

I firmly grasped my backpack strap and lifted it to my shoulder. I could still feel Endeavor's son staring at me, along with a few other students who were noticeably more discreet than him.

Except for Bakugou. He was the other person outright staring. It unnerved me a little before I remembered my mask. There was no way he could know it was me, right? Nonetheless, I was a little scared and had to force myself not to speed up as I left the classroom.

I eased up a little once out of the student's line of sight. 'So, note to self, keep an eye on Kachaan.'

I checked my phone-a small flip phone Aoi and Kaito had gotten me for my last birthday- and saw I had about fifteen minutes until my next class. 'Hm. I guess I could update these files...'

In the week or so that I had been here, I had seen a lot from the students and teachers alike. I'd have to make time to ask the teachers questions about their quirks but most of the students were afraid of me. I'd noticed how all the students except Bakugou and Todoroki went out of their way to avoid touching me or interacting with me in any way. Todoroki was openly curious, but Bakugou appeared to be just not afraid of me-foolhardy, in fact.

'Interesting how their fear overloads their curiosity.' I saw how they glanced at me when I walked past and heard their whispers when they thought I wasn't listening. They wondered about my quirk, where I lived, my family, why I had come to UA. Most of all though they wondered about how I looked.

None of them were even relatively close, which was both a relief and a disappointment.

A hand landed on my shoulder while I was spaced out. I snatched the wrist of the person and twisted it at a painful angle before I saw who it was. Todoroki let out a hiss of breath between his teeth before I released his wrist. He rubbed it with his other hand, wincing.

"Don't do that again." I kept walking, and he walked beside me. "You got off lucky that time."

"Duly noted." He nodded at me. We walked in silence for a minute. "Hey, could I ask you something?"

I saw him looking at me from my periphery. "Depends on the question." I had to remember to keep my guard up around him, I had been getting too comfortable.

"Well, I have a few, actually. The first one, who were those people at the training grounds?"

"Oh, those idiots. Aoi and Kaito. Known them for years. They don't know how to stay off of restricted properties like UA."

"Friends of yours, then?"

"Sure, we can go with that."

"What was the girl's quirk? I thought something and she responded as if I had said it aloud."

"Take a guess, idiot. She's a mind reader. As long as your guard is up it doesn't work though." 'Moron, why are you giving him advice?'

"Oh, thanks. Anyway, what were they doing there?"

"Well they were supposed to wait outside the school grounds so they could drop off some stuff but they decided it'd be a great idea to sneak on campus even though I said specifically not to."

"Huh. How did you meet them?"

"We trained together."

"Under who?"

"Take a guess."

"Hm. Foxfire?"

"Congratulations. You remember basic vigilante history. Yes, we trained under Foxfire before she was captured. They don't do vigilante work but they could kick your ass just as easily as I could."

"Okay. Last question, do you know Bakugou Katsuki?"


Wassup my dudes! I'm trying to make the chapters a bit longer now (848 words including the author's note). I'm still not great at writing though. I hope you all liked this! See you next time!


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