Part 29- Staying As Is

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Deku POV

Normal day, normal morning. Ignoring the world for half an hour when I woke up. A summons from the principal in the second period. A march down the hallways and up the stairs.

The new thing was the violet stare as I left the joint class between classes 1-A and 1-B.

I entered the office. A new thing was there, too. A familiar figure, now lanky and weak. All Might, in his shriveled form.

Nezu welcomed me brightly. The morning proceeded. We spoke. He asked about my day. I asked about his intentions. Today, however, instead of just confirming my schedule, he turned to All Might. I turned my gaze to the man as well. With a sigh and a grunt, he stood.

"Young Fox. It has been some time since we first met."

You have no idea.

"I have come to a decision which I have had much trouble making. It...regards my quirk."

"What about it?" I was curious- I knew something was different about All Might's quirk, but I didn't know what.

He sighed. "You see, my quirk is...very different than most. It involves a kind of feature no other quirk can have.

"Quirks are passed down through blood- a child can have a parent's quirk, or a mix of both parents, or something entirely new. Mine is similar, but in a much more...literal way."

The gears clicked into place. "Your quirk is passed down directly from person to person."

All Might sighed. "Yes."

"You want to give it to me."


My answer was an immediate and visceral one, but a quick one nonetheless. "No."

All Might started, as did Aizawa. "Black-"

"Absolutely you must!" All Might cried. "You are the perfect vessel. You have the strength, the skill, the intelligence. You have all the experience of a fully-fledged hero in the body of a teenager!"

Aizawa chimed in again, "Besides, now that you know, we can't exactly let you go."

"That sounds like you should have thought this through more." A lot more. "I've said no, and other than through force, you can't do anything about it. I don't want your quirk, and just because I'm a 'perfect vessel' doesn't mean I'm obligated into anything." Besides, I'm not the one to put such an important responsibility on...

They spluttered and pleaded some more before Nezu clapped his paws. "That's enough, please." He sipped his tea before continuing. "Young Fox has refused, which is not something we can control. Fox here merely wishes to remain unreliable on a quirk after being used to life without one for so long." He turned to me. "Aizawa is right, though- this national secret is stuck with you now. We cannot exactly let you go."

I shrugged. "Easy enough, I, Black Fox, swear on the lord or whatever never to reveal this secret to anybody by my own will, all that. Can I go now?"

All Might looked defeated. "I cannot think of any other more suitable vessel, though."

"I can."

Three pairs of eyes turned to me. Curiosity, calm friendliness, veiled hostility and discomfort. The back of my neck prickled, and I had to choke down the urge to take a defensive stance.

"That one kid in class 1-B, Shinso. He's smart, strong. He knows how to play the long game and how to score a victory through indirect ways. Ask him." I turned to the door, waving over my shoulder. "He'd be more agreeable anyway."

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