Part 3-Meeting

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The folder that rested on my bed was the one I had not looked through yet. I had gone through almost all of my other files, organizing them by person. I had almost everything in here-Heroes, students, policemen. For the hundredth time, I wondered, 'Where on earth did I get THIS file?'

Honestly, despite the pain, I considered going out on patrol. Whenever I wasn't on patrol I had this feeling of guilt in my chest. A feeling that said, 'You could be saving people right now." I knew I had to ignore it though. If I went out right now I would definitely be caught by patrolling heroes, or taken down by a villain.

While I was occupied with my thoughts I didn't even notice the person outside my window until I turned around. It gave me a heart attack and a half before I realized who it was. "Hey, Tom. How are you doing?"

The adult man stepped in through the broken window frame, scratching his neck. "A little birdie told me you were shot."

"Haha, yeah. I didn't realize this one guy had a gun on him. The wound is clean though, I'm just taking it easy for a couple of days."

"I see. Well, I thought you should know there are heroes outside the alleyway here. You might want to prepare for a fight."

"Heroes?! Tom, you have to go, if they catch you they will arrest you!" I'm not saving his butt again.

"Yeah yeah. I'm just here to drop off those hero files you asked for." He dropped a file on my desk. "Cya later Fox." He waved over his shoulder and stepped back into the purple gate that had brought him here.

I hardly glanced at the folder before I dashed over to the window and peeked out. My mask was still on so I stuck my head out a little further. Sure enough, at the end of the alleyway were two heroes and someone else I couldn't quite make out in the darkness. From what I could see it appeared to be Eraserhead and...

Ugh. It was the number two hero, Endeavor. From what I knew he was a total jerk, just like my father was. I pulled my head back through the window and quickly packed up everything I had that I wanted to keep into a beaten-up duffel bag. 'If they are already this close to here then they must be looking for me. No other reason is good enough for them to be here.'

I froze at a sudden shuffling outside my window. I backed into a dark corner, covering my sweatshirt's green highlights as best as I could. Holding my breath, I strained my eyes to see who was outside the window. It was a couple of young girls. One had green hair like mine, but it was long and tied up at the end. The other had short brown hair that was curly at the end and a sort of space suit looking outfit.

'Froppy and Uravity, heroes-in-training from UA high. Quirks: Frog and Zero Gravity. I need to look out for Froppy's tongue and Uravity's hands. Other than that I need to be wary of the heroes outside and whoever else was with them. If I can take these two out silently I will have a clean escape path through the second door. Knowing them they will assume I will take the fastest way out and will go through the window so I can't go out there. So down the door and out the back entrance.'

I narrowed my eyes behind the mask as the two girls warily entered the room and began searching. 'This is an idiot internship test. Who knows what I might do? These kids have no idea how to fight!'

There was a nearly-silent gasp. I squinted through the darkness of the room to see the Uravity staring at me with a shocked expression. I tilted my head and met her gaze through the eyeholes of my mask. Froppy followed her look and immediately took up a defensive stance. I reached up to switch on my mask's built-in voice changer.

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