Part 5-Mind Reader Friends Are Very Convenient

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Vigilante!Deku Part 5

Aizawa POV

'This is crazy. Are we going to try and recruit the number one vigilante?'

Nezu clambered up my capture gear and sat on my shoulder, patting my head. "Don't worry Aizawa, it'll be fine!" 'Jesus, this dude is like a mind-reader.'

"I'm not worried he's gonna hurt us. I'm worried that we are inviting the most dangerous vigilante in Japan to come to our school with school kids. And, if he wasn't lying and is a kid and you were right, he could be bleeding out somewhere."

Nezu chuckled. "I see your concern, Aizawa. But don't worry, I think our guest is here right now. Good evening!"

"Evening." I whipped around to see an all-too-familiar mask and black hoodie. "Heya Eraserjerk. Miss me?"

I struggled to keep my tongue. Nezu hopped down from my shoulder. I could immediately see the slight flinch at the sudden movement, and the way his attention was almost all focused on the small mouse-like principal. only the slightest attention was paid to me and the number two hero beside me. 'He has to have some backup. There is no way he would pay such little mind to two pro heroes while wounded.' I glanced around instinctively, hating how out-of-control this situation already felt.

I couldn't see anyone but I had the feeling we were being watched.

Nezu stopped as soon as the vigilante flinched. "Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I merely wanted to get a closer look. Would you mind removing your mask?"

I could tell the vigilante was at least a little nervous. "I do mind. Why am I here?"

Nezu pulled a glass of tea from nowhere. "We are here to offer you a position at UA's hero course."

Black Fox audibly scoffed. "You sound crazy. I'm Japan's number one vigilante and a giant hazard. I don't believe you're not just doing this to get me in a place where I can't just run away."

Nezu chuckled again. "That is perfectly reasonable. Perhaps one of your friends on the roof would like to join? We have a few spots in the general or support course as well. I think your mind-reader friend can vouch for my intentions."

Deku POV

What. The heck. How did he know where they were, and what their quirks were? I pulled my guard up even more. "Leave them out of this."

Nezu raised a hand, sipping his tea. "I promise we will not hurt them."


I heard her voice clearly in my mind as she transmitted to me. 'Player Two is considering attacking and Eraser has his guard up but I'm fairly sure he's safe. And Nezu isn't lying.'

"Alright. Come on down."

A vine crept its way down the broken brick wall at an unnatural pace. Sitting in the loop at the bottom was Aoi, who gave a cheerful wave. "Hi! We're the backup!"

Kaito lowered himself with a vine growing out of his arm. 'We're here to make sure this idiot doesn't do anything stupid,' he signed, pointing to me, 'And also because he's wounded and is probably stupid enough to get in a fight with all three of you at once.'

I flipped him off behind my back and he gave me a death glare.

Nezu hummed, looking over them as the vine detached itself from Kaito's arm and stopped growing at unnatural speeds. "You must be the one with the mind-reading powers, yes?"

Aoi's grin grew a little. "Mhm! I'm here to warn him when one of those people tries to kill him again." She gestured to Eraserhead and Endeavor.

"Ah, that is a wonderful quirk. And you must control plants?"

'Only ones I grow.' Kaito seemed nervous before I glanced at Endeavor, remembering that fire and plants did not mix well. Nezu and Endeavor seemed to catch on too.

Nezu gave Endeavor a look, and the tall man grunted. "Fine, I won't attack the plant kid. I'm a pro hero, why would you not trust me?"

I couldn't hold my tongue and the words slipped out before I could catch them. "Well maybe if I weren't a vigilante and you weren't a jerk then-"

"LOOK OUT!" Aoi's voice rang through the air and vines wrapped around my arm and dragged me out of the way of a giant burst of fire.

Rose vines burst from the earth and restrained the number two hero. Thorns dug through his hero costume and into his arms. I snickered a little. "Not gonna attack us, huh?"

"LET ME GO!" Endeavor raged against his restraints. Aoi poked me in the side. I winced and batted her hand aside. "You're bleeding again, Zuku."

"Don't call me that. And I know." I grit my teeth and ignored the pain and spreading wetness over my side. I gestured to Kaito, who released Endeavor from the vines. Wisely, he held his tongue and his place. I pointed at him. "You are horrible at keeping your promises." I then turned to Nezu. "Aoi. Check him for me."

Aoi locked eyes with the small rat-principal for a second before tapping her chin and looking back at me. "He's not lying."

"What's the catch?" I said to Nezu.

"The catch is you'll be under our supervision, and you have to try out for a provisional license as soon as possible."

Kaito stepped forward. 'I'm not sure how serious you were about accepting me and Aoi but I'm afraid I must refuse. I have a full-time job to keep up with, plus whatever vigilante work I can fit in on the side. I just won't have time.'

"Ah, of course. It's your choice, after all."

Aoi glanced at me. "I'm gonna have to say no too. I'm not comfortable with being around that many people." She tapped the side of her head. "Gets kinda loud. Bad enough doing work as it is, you know? Plus Kaito is useless in the cafe without me."

That left just me. Great. 'Alright, Izuku. Think this through. He's offering me a position at my dream school and potentially legalizing my work. At the same time, Kacchan is in that class, so he's an immediate threat. My mask might help though. Not to mention the number of people, and how much they're all going to hate me, just for existing. They're probably also going to try and limit my vigilante work, but at the same time this is my one chance to learn from the best-'

Someone tapped my arm "Um? You're overanalyzing again and we should get going."

"Right. Sorry." I skimmed over the facts once again. 'This could also leave me with a chance to see Foxfire again.'

I had made up my mind.

"I'll go."


Guess whose writing fics instead of studying for finals week again? That's right! ME! To be fair though I did also spend my entire Saturday this weekend studying, so I think I'm good. Besides, cramming isn't gonna help anything.

Also, I know I said Aoi and Kaito don't do vigilante work but I decided they run a little cafe full-time and do bits and pieces of vigilante work on the side whenever they aren't burnt out. However, they usually just tag along with Izuku and so don't ever do much. Also, I don't know if I'm portraying Izuku's state of mind correctly? I have a hard time with characters like him. For reference, he has anxiety and severe PTSD, trauma, and self-hate issues due to his asshole dad.

Thanks for reading!


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