Part 51- Finale

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Uraraka POV

Fox's first day back was uneventful. So far.

The students of class 1-A were quiet(for once) when he came in. Most of us did our best not to stare when he sat down at his desk in the back. His mask was tied to his belt loops and hung loosely at his hip. His sweatshirt hood was pulled up to cover most of his hair. His backpack was slung loosely over one shoulder, and he was focused on the papers he was rifling through. I watched Todoroki sit up a bit to catch a glimpse of what was on them, but Fox was shuffling them back into a formal yellow folder marked with unintelligible shorthand a moment later.

He leaned back in his seat, taking his phone out of his pocket and flipping it open with one hand, chewing on his thumbnail of the other. I turned back to Mina and Asui, tittering about some meaningless thing. The other students made themselves look busy enough that they didn't seem intrusive. Still, Fox's eyes darted around the classroom every once and a while.

Aizawa came in, held a few-second staring competition with the vigilante, and promptly started taking roll. Fox was in a different place on the list. Todoroki whispered to me that they put him in alphabetical order since they know his last name now. I nodded.

Aizawa opened his mouth to begin announcements for that morning. I assumed that thinking he would have a quiet morning was his mistake.

The door burst open, slamming into the wall, and Aoi burst in, followed by a chuckling Lucille and smiling Kaito.

The blonde girl bounced excitedly over to Fox and slammed a packet of paper covered by another piece of paper onto his desk with a loud exclamation of, "Sign this!"

Fox was leaning far back in his chair, looking skeptically between her and the papers. He tried to lift the obscuring sheet out of the way, but Aoi slapped his hand. "Just sign it! I'll tell you about it later!"

Fox rolled his eyes with a huff. "Aoi, rule one of anything is to read the fine print. I haven't even read the normal print. I'm not signing this."

"Just do it! Please? Pleeease?" She gave him her best puppy eyes. Fox seemed unmoved.

When he glanced at Lucille, the vigilante woman gave him a grin and a thumbs up. I watched Fox's eyebrows creep ever more towards his hairline(or what I think is his hairline- his green locks are such a mess, I can't tell where it really is). Kaito waved apologetically at an annoyed Aizawa. I watched Fox fish a pencil out of his pocket. He shoved Aoi out of the way and scribbled a messy signature on the papers.

As soon as he was done, Aoi smacked his face, took the papers, and went sprinting out of the room giggling. Lucille and Kaito followed her, laughing.

Fox peeled a sticker off of his face and squinted at it. He seemed utterly confused by what just happened, especially when he looked up and around the room and hesitantly said, "I think I just got adopted?"

The entire class started laughing at his bewildered expression. Even Bakugou chuckled a little. Todoroki patted Fox on the shoulder with an amused smile. Aizawa rolled his eyes and waved for the class to quiet down. The giggles followed Fox for the rest of the day.

Nezu POV

I walked with Fox to Night Tiger's HQ under the guise of just wanting to take a walk with someone. He sipped sprite from a fountain drink cup. His mask was stuffed in his backpack and he walked with his hood down. Clever. The best disguise is a face nobody has seen before.

Still, I could tell he was not particularly happy with it. His eyes shifted uneasily across every doorway and in the direction of any sound that stood out. His free hand was shoved into his pocket, probably gripping a weapon of some kind. Still, I was impressed with his even gait and breathing, and his stony face betraying not a single hint of nervousness.

When we arrived at the building, he tossed his cup into a nearby trashcan and nodded to me quietly. I nodded back.

I didn't particularly feel like going back to my paperwork. I ended up wandering the city's shopping districts for some time. Until Aizawa called and asked where I was, of course. I'd never shirk duty in the face of my subordinates. Only away from them.

Bakugou POV

I punched the rock. It hurt. I punched it harder. It hurt more.

Kirishima patted me on the shoulder. "Hey, bro, it's way past 6 pm. Maybe we should get a move on?"

I punched the rock harder. Stupid stupid Fox and his stupid observance and stupid emotional literacy and stupid feelings stupid stupid stupid.

"Uh, hey-"

I kicked the rock. It fell to pieces. I huffed at it, turned around, and left. Kirishima followed me, chattering about something. I tried to ignore him. It didn't work well. I wasn't good at ignoring people I liked.

Todoroki POV

I watched the battle unfold across the city training arena. Fox and Lucille spun and kicked. It was only a sparring match, but I figured if I was in there, my legs would both be broken by now. Mina and Jirou sipped their Mcdonald's Pepsis and watched the fight. The twins sat down on my other side.

"This is the first time I've seen Fox have so much trouble with a person," I murmured, "But they're both way out of my league."

Aoi snickered. "Of course. Lucille taught him everything he knows about how to fight. The student, as it seems, has yet to surpass the master." She said as Lucille caught one of Fox's wrists and threw him over her head. He twisted to land on his feet. Aoi wiggled her eyebrows at me. "Looks like he's getting closer, though."

I nodded, watching with interest. "So what were those papers?"

"Adoption papers. He's legally my brother now!"

I nodded. "And Lucille is your mother?"

"Yep! We're one big former criminal family."

I nodded. "Understandable. Found family cares not for the laws of mortal men."

Lucille POV

I shifted from one foot to the other eagerly. Izuku was taking so long, but I wouldn't leave without him. Well, maybe I would if I had to wait another ten minutes in the chilly late-fall air.

Finally, the doors to the dorms opened, and Izuku snarked something at another student before slamming the door shut. I hopped from one heel to the other, grinning. He wrinkled his nose at me. "Why are you so happy?"

"You're legally my son now!" I spun in a circle, clapping my hands. He raised an eyebrow.

"So those were adoption papers?"

"Yes! You and Aoi and Kaito are all my beloved children for real now!"

"You didn't take your aderol this morning, did you?"

"I'onno!" I skipped down the stone pathway. C'mon, kiddo! We have hero stuff to do! Cities to save! Villains to defeat! Beautiful women to woo! Or men," I squinted at him, "If that's what you're into. I guess."

He waved a bemused hand at me. "Let's start with the villain thing."

I pumped my arm. "Yeah! Vigilante hero stuff with my son! So cool!"

He chuckled and strung the mask around his face. "Sure, sure. I'm still not calling you mom, though."

I feigned distress. "Oh, how could you! Betrayed by my own son the day he became my son! I don't think I can take it!"

I couldn't see him roll his eyes, but I could practically hear it. "Come on, let's get going."

I grinned at him happily before tying the cord of my mask on. With a thumbs-up, we dashed into the night, off to do awesome hero stuff like save cities and defeat villains and woo beautiful women and maybe men also.

With my son.

That part was epic.


This took so GOD DAMN LONG but it was fun! Thanks so much for sticking with me this long, I hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!

[1,342 words]

Have a good day/evening/night!


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