Part 6-Aoi Calm Down He'll Be Fine

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Vigilante!Deku AU Part 6 

Deku POV

"Zuku, are you sure about this?"

I sighed, pulling my zip-up hoodie on over my new school attire. "For the last time, yes. This could be a once-in-a-lifetime chance, and it's not like a bunch of school kids are gonna do anything against me. And stop calling me that."

Aoi pouted, adjusting my collar. "You know you're like a brother to me. If you get hurt at a hero school, I would never forgive myself."

I batted her hands away. "I know, I know. Chill out. I've been through more dangerous situations. Worst case scenario, Kacchan finds out it's me, and I have to leave. Simple as that. It's not like they're gonna attack a minor. There's a reason that player two doesn't work there."

Kaito held out my mask for me. 'I adjusted the straps. It should stay on better now.'

"Thanks." I took it from him, the smooth porcelain surface cool under my fingers, scarred from so many close encounters. I slipped it on. It fit my face almost perfectly as if it had been tailored just for me. A lot of memories flashed through my head at the sudden weight, memories of my mentor, of training with Kaito and Aoi, memories of beating villains and being beaten by villains, of running from and fighting heroes and other vigilantes alike. I shook my head to clear it. 'now is not the time to reminisce, Izuku.'

"Also did I mention they sent a hero to walk me there?"

Kaito scowled at me. 'Izuku I swear if you led heroes right to my house I am not making you food for a week.

"No, no. I'm meeting them a little ways from here. I'm not that dumb." I flipped my hoodie up and fit the mask's ears into little slits cut into the top. "Don't forget that even if they do find you you are legally allowed to defend your property if they try and enter without your permission."

Kaito shrugged. 'We'll drop off your lunch, your backpack is full enough already. Are you sure you need all these files?'

"I might as well look over them in my free time. And I swear to god if you two actually show up on campus I am turning you in for aiding a vigilante and trespassing-" Kaito whacked me on the head.

'Your free time should be spent socializing like a normal teenager, you weirdo. Make some friends. Stop being a hermit.'

"Huh, like you're one to talk. You're sixteen and running a cafe, mute by choice, live alone with your sister, and consistently feed the number one vigilante." I paused for a second. "Not that any of that is bad. Well. Maybe feeding me. that's technically illegal."

'Shut up and get moving.'

I chuckled and swung the backpack over my shoulder. "See ya if I'm not dead by noon!"

I could feel Aoi's glare on my back as I stepped over the threshold.

'Today is gonna be a looong day.'


Wassup my dudes! Sorry, this is short, finals week is catching up to me, both sleep- and stress-wise.

Izuku does NOT know how to choose his words right to not worry his friends. Sorry again for the short chapter!


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