Part 24-Job

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Deku POV

I stood on my guard as the door swung open. Inside was the unassuming rat-bear creature that called itself Nezu, the principle of UA high, the genius behind the best hero school in the world.


I knew why we were here. I'd figured it out once I'd calmed myself down. Nezu was no fool, and neither was I. We both knew he had no way of ensuring I stayed with my partners for more than five minutes. Five seconds, even.

So what was his motive? He thought it was something I'd disagree with. Something I'd shoot down instantly, refuse to even talk about. But what?

Eraser entered the room behind me, positioning himself near the window on the left side of the room.

Nezu faced me. I faced him. The standoff continued for only a few seconds.

"You know what I said isn't true?"

I searched his face for a sign of deception. "Perhaps."

"Good." He pulled something from beneath his desk. ...A chessboard?

"Care for a game?"

I hesitated. Where's the catch? What do I lose if he wins?

Seeing no sign of danger, I cautiously took a seat. He offered me the white pieces, so I took the opening move. The game went back and forth for a minute.


I blinked at the sudden break in silence.

"On the terms of that deal."

If he expected a reaction, I gave him none.

"I wasn't lying there." He chuckled, moving a rook forward. "I do want you to partner up with someone. However, I know I cannot force you."

I took his rook with a knight. "Check."

"Instead, I would consider it to be more like...if you tutored someone. A student, preferably. Of your choice, if you so choose."

"What's in it for me?"

"Well, I can't help but notice you don't exactly have a home to speak of. When we met, and I invited you, you were living in an old abandoned building. You wear the same clothes every day, and patch them yourself."

"And? My financial position is none of your business."

He chuckled again. It's getting irritating...what's so funny? Am I missing something?

"I'm aware. However, I may be able to set up something...a little closer to a real, paid hero job than you currently hold."

"And the condition for this is that I have to tutor a student?"

"Well, I wouldn't say it's strictly necessary, but it may hold a few...favorable conditions for you."

I eyed him, only paying half attention to the game. "And who is it I'd be working with?"

"You pick! The goal I'm endeavoring to reach here is to set up a working situation for the both of us, which means I can't be forcing you into working with those you dislike, can I?"

I paused. As much as I hate to admit it, he's right...I do need the money right now. "I'll consider it."

"Very good! Not to rush you, but I will need a decision on tutees soon, to present to the board of directors here at UA."

I turned over the options in my mind. Out of the students I know, who is fast enough to keep up?

Tsuyu Asui, for one- her natural reflexive ability, as well as her mobility and flexibility makes her a perfect candidate for the more high-speed work I deal in.

Mina Ashido, perhaps? She's loud and probably can't keep her mouth shut. But she has the speed and combative strengths I can appreciate.

Who else...

I work at night, so Tokoyami Fumikage and Dark Shadow are out.

Tenya Iida would restrict me too much, even though he has the speed.

No way in hell am I working with Bakugou.

Out of the students possessing the basic abilities I needed, only one more remained. The person who had seemed to take a genuine interest in me and my work.

Shoto Todoroki...

Is it worth working with him? His father is a bastard, so I'd prefer not to be associated with him more than I have to. However, Todoroki is the only student who shows a real kind of potential in becoming a top hero. He can keep up with me fine and has combative power that I could use, which could be amplified if he could be convinced to use his fire.

I let out a small breath. "I'll think on it."

"That is all I ask." Nezu smiled. "Checkmate."


Hello everyone! Vivian here!

Quick question does anyone know how to DIY remove sinuses because I feel like shit rn

Anyway thank you for reading my most recent chapter!

[741 words]

Have a nice day!


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