Part 4-Dinner but your friends are being more reasonable than you

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I flinched at my friend's screech. "I talked with Nezu, a couple of his students, and two pro heroes."

Aoi, my best friend and only reliable source of food, stared at me with an open mouth. She shook her head in disbelief, golden curls bobbing around her face. "Have you any idea how dangerous that was? Two pro heroes, two heroes-in-training, while wounded! Are you crazy?" I thought back to when we first met for a second. When I found Foxfire and managed to convince her to train me she had introduced me to her other students, Aoi and Kaito. We had been friends ever since. They weren't vigilantes like me but they were most certainly not afraid to defend themselves.

Aoi's quirk was mind-reading, as long as someone didn't know she was doing it she could hear their thoughts and memories. With verbal consent, she could also mentally translate images and messages to them. Kaito could summon different vines and plants to sprout from his skin and the ground around him and make them do his bidding.

Speaking of, Kaito, poked his head out of their kitchen and began signing. C'mon Aoi, this is Izuku we're talking about. You know, number one vigilante?

"I know, I know, I just...really? Are you actually considering going back to meet with them?"

"I mean, sure. What's the worst that can happen?"

"You could get captured! Or worse!"

"You know I'm too strong for them to catch me, and it's illegal to kill me."

Kaito's footsteps approached, accompanied by his voice and the smell of freshly cooked food. He set the plates heaped in steaming food on the table. Technically he isn't guilty of heroism. All he's done is kick some jerks in the stomach.

I sighed. "No, she's right. It was a huge risk to even go near them. It's even more of one to come to a specified place and time."

Kaito hummed as he handed out the plates. Careful, it's hot. He took a seat and slipped off his jacket, placing it over the back of his chair.

I picked up my fork and dug into the delicious food. "Wow, this is better than usual. Is there a new ingredient?"

No, just used some different spices.

"Man, imagine being able to afford spices," I joked.

Aoi glanced at me. "We do still have a guest bedroom and a couch."

I swallowed the mouthful of food. "No, it's fine. I'm only joking. I don't want to get in your guys' way." We ate in silence for a few minutes.

So what are you going to do about that offer? I thought for a second.

"I don't know. See if they offer me something useful, I guess? I mean, it's not like they're gonna let me off scotch-free even if I do accept and am not really guilty of vigilantism. So I guess it's a gamble, right? I will probably get something, or they wouldn't bother contacting me and then letting me go after that had me, wounded, right in front of two pro heroes. but at the same time, there is absolutely no way there will not be a drawback to this. So it's like, would I rather live with the consequences or without whatever they offer me?"

Aoi gave me a look before going back to slurping her meal. I think you're overanalyzing this a bit, Izuku. You should just go and see what they want, and if they attack you then get out of there as fast as possible.

I sighed "Yeah, you're right. Besides, it won't be the first time I've run from multiple heroes at once, right?"

Izuku that is not a good thing.

"Oh, hush. I've done it before I can do it again."

With a giant hole in your side?

"We'll see."

Aoi suddenly jumped up from her seat. I flinched back, and Kaito looked up at her calmly. "Oh my gosh, Izuku! We should come with you!"

I stared at her over a forkful of food, my mouth hanging open. Kaito tapped his chin. "Think about it, I can use my quirk and warn you if they are considering attacking, and Kaito can use his to help you get out of there! It's perfect!"

"Absolutely not. If you come they might catch all three of us. What would happen then?"

Aoi puffed out her cheeks, pouting. "But Izuku, we can help! I promise I won't get caught!"

Kaito began to get up from his seat. We're coming with you. If you get in a fight you can't win you'll be glad we're there.

I sighed. "Alright, alright, fine. Just don't come out unless you absolutely have to."

Aoi cheered, almost knocking over her food. "It's a plan then!"

I grinned to myself. 'They are really set on helping me, huh? Even though I'm just a burden they're trying to help me.'

"It's a plan then. We're going to see the heroes."


Aaaaagh sorry, I haven't posted in a while! It doesn't really matter cuz I get no reads anyway but still. Finals week has come and I'm so stressed, not to mention my three essays! I'm so sorry I haven't posted!

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