Part 50-*Angrily Chews Burger*

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Bakugou POV

I eyed Midoriya over my food. He didn't pretend he didn't notice, meeting my glare and holding it until I looked away.

Fumikage said something in my general direction. I grunted in response, not having heard it. He shrugged at the blond boy next to him and All Might. They carried on with their conversation quietly.

When the room quieted and Nezu began to question Midoriya over his family and all else, I paid special attention. His body language was tough to read, and his expression betrayed nothing. Just as stone-faced as with the mask. Folded arms and a downturned mouth and furrowed brows. A constantly irritated expression- a resting bitch face, if you will. Very different from the smooth peaceful face that slept in the bed while people played Uno on his stomach, or the young boy who I could barely associate with the teenager in front of me.

I jumped when Foxfire kicked in the door. Listened attentively when she told the story of how she came to care for Midoriya(That is, the story of where the hell he'd been for seven years).

When the vigilante finished her tale and Nezu finished questioning them about adoption or whatever, The teachers left the room. Some of the students followed, leaving me, the twins, the vigilantes, and Todoroki. I glared at the stupid half-cold boy. He met my gaze with what looked like slight befuddlement as if he didn't know why I was angry. I narrowed my eyes. He raised an eyebrow. I huffed and looked away.

The blonde girl— Aoi? Yeah, her— she was talking excitedly at Midoriya— nope, FoxGod, names are hard— about something to do with the school system. Foxfire sat back in her chair, watching them talk with a distinctly pleased expression. Kaito got up and sat in the chair that one of the two girls had left by the bedside to join the conversation. I chewed my cheeseburger with lowered brows and a sharp gaze all on my lonesome at the room's edge.

Deku POV

Aoi chattered happily at me, Kaito joining in once he finished his food and came to join us. Todoroki input his thoughts every once and a while. Bakugou glowered at us all from the other end of the room.

Eventually, when Aoi finally ran out of breath and sat back to hum quietly to herself in her seat, Todoroki turned around to Bakugou.

"Are you going to join us, or...?" He waved at the other empty seat.

Bakugou shrugged. "Well, I was wanting to talk to him," he waved at me, "But since you're all having such a lovely conversation, I'll wait."

I rolled my eyes. "If you want to have such a lovely attitude, you can wait until I'm in the mood for an argument, how about that?"

He practically growled at me. "Listen here, you-"

"Oh, shut up. We all know you're a wonderful person with a wonderful outlook on life, so why don't you move along and let me have a nice peaceful day for once in my goddamned life."

Todoroki stood up with a sigh. "Look, I love watching you two snipe at each other, but I have to go."

Aoi waved cheerfully. "G'bye!"

Bakugou glared at Todoroki as he picked up his bag and left, shutting the door with a quiet click behind him. After a moment of Aoi looking back and forth between us, she stood up and murmured something to Kaito before grabbing his arm and waving a happy, albeit slightly awkward, goodbye to me and Bakugou. I folded my arms to meet the hero student's stare.

For a minute, all was quiet. Then he dropped his head into his hands with a sigh. I huffed, waiting. He raised his head slightly to look me up and down. I suppressed a shiver. Ah, yes. Good old scopophobia coming back to bite me in the ass.

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