Part 23- Anger

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Aizawa POV

I rushed out the door after the vigilante. Why did he have to go run off now? His house arrest was almost over, but now I have to extend it! What the hell, kid?

That's why he's angry.

I jumped and whirled around.

"Up here, silly."

I looked up. Sitting bare-footed in a tree was Black Fox's accomplice, the girl with unsettling blue eyes and golden bob cut- What's her name again?



"My name is Aoi. And he's mad because you're treating him like a kid."

I frowned. "No, I'm not."

"You are. You've put him on house arrest, you call him 'kid' all the time, and now you've just tried to tell him how to do his job."

"I thought you were on our side, that he needs to be supervised."

"Nope." She slid off the tree. I started. She's going to break her legs on impact!

She landed perfectly and gracefully, without even stubbing a toe on the roots of the tree. "I'm on his side. But I also agree he needs to stop getting himself hurt."

She strode past me casually. "If you want him to listen to you, you can't do things like confine him to the dorms and make decisions like this without even asking him. He's responsible enough to keep himself out of trouble for five years on his own, so maybe try treating him like it. Respect goes both ways you know, so if you don't respect him, why should he respect you?"

I turned to look at Aoi, but she was gone.

Shit, I was supposed to be following Black Fox!

I whipped around and sprinted for the main school building.


I caught up to Black, still marching toward the front doors.

"Black Fox! That is enough! You are still..."

I remembered his friend's words. "He's responsible enough to keep himself out of trouble for five years on his own, so maybe try treating him like it. Respect goes both ways you know, so if you don't respect him, why should he respect you?"

I sighed. "Kid."

No response. "Black."

The boy's snarling tone shocked me. "What is it, hero?"

"If you wanted to talk to Nezu, you should have asked me. I'd have set up a meeting for you."

"Except I didn't."

I sighed. "I can see that. Listen, he's in a meeting right now, so-"

"So what? He cares nothing for my job, so why should I care for his?"

"So, I'll call him and tell him you have urgent words for him, and that he needs to finish up whatever he's doing immediately."

Black was silent. "Fine."

I sighed again internally, pulling my phone from my pocket. It had seemed like the combined efforts of me, the other teachers, and some of the students had begun to break the thick ice with the vigilante, but we were back to square one now.

Deku POV

Aizawa made the call, leaving me alone with my thoughts for a minute.

Calm down, Izuku, get yourself under control. Sort your feelings out now, while you have time.

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