Part 10- Actually Laying The Smack Down On A Pro Hero

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Deku POV

'Well well well.' I snickered a little while watching the class' reactions from the corner of my eye. 'Clearly, they have never seen pro's in action. Well then, let's give them a show.'

With a flick of my arm, I grabbed a knife from its sheath and in the same fluid motion flung it at Eraser's head. 'Oh, how ironic.' His capture gear swung around, attaching itself to a streetlight and pulling the hero up. Just as I had predicted.

I pulled a mini grapple gun from a pouch and yanked myself up next to him. "You're too predictable," I murmured, "It's getting boring." I followed through with a quick strike to his head. if this were a real battle I would be looking to knock him out but since this is a sparring match I was just trying to get a few quick hits in before the class period was up.

Eraser moved off left, toward a building. I followed quickly after, not giving him time to compose himself. I faintly recalled Foxfire's words.

"The key to winning a fight against someone stronger than you is to keep the heat on them. If you can't run you need to keep them occupied. You're already smarter and faster than most heroes and villains out there but if you try and outmuscle them you will lose. So all you have to do is wear them down. And you do that by being consistent. Don't let them catch a break."

And so I didn't. Wherever the underground hero went I went too. Constantly striking, punching, kicking, whatever I could do to keep him off-balance.

Finally, he faltered.


I dashed at him, this time aiming not for him but over his shoulder at the wall behind him. Bouncing off of it and ramming into his back enough I heard a CRACK, I slammed my now-teacher into the ground. However, as soon as I did so I felt something hard wrap around my left foot and yank me backward. 'His capture gear...clever. Sadly, not enough.'

I flipped around so I could see where I was being dragged. Right into a wall...great. I prepared myself for impact and bounced off, pulling on the capture gear to send myself flying back towards Aizawa. I discreetly pulled a knife from a hidden pocket and readied it. I jabbed on his left with the knife but reached around on his right and snatched the end of his capture gear, pulling it tight around his throat.

Unfortunately, the material closed on nothing, and I was left with just a snippet of it. In Eraser's other hand was the knife I had thrown earlier. 'Not bad. Not bad.' I could see that Eraser was getting tired.

'Let's end this then.' But just before I was about to strike again the class bell rang out. Aizawa let out a barely perceptible sigh of relief. Beneath my mask, I raised an eyebrow. 'How funny. he doesn't want to fight me.'

I slipped my knife back into my sleeve and collected my grapple gun. "Maybe next time, hero."


I'm just now realizing how short my chapters are, sorry! I'm trying to get them out fast and I can't write long things. My internet is getting worse as well so I don't know if I'll be able to post for a while.

Have a nice day!


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