Part 31-New Friends

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Aizawa POV

All was right in the world on that simple Monday morning. Clouds skidded across the sky, the sun shone, and I barely had to face any press members as I entered UA grounds.

And then it was all flipped upside down when I entered my classroom to find a new student who had taken Black Fox's place.

Aoi, the girl with the golden-blonde hair and pinkish-red dress, was chatting with the early class members, sitting in Black's seat. Her gaze flickered over to me as I entered the room. Her quirk, mind-reading, unnerved me more than usual today.

She waved at me cheerily. "Hello there, mister Eraserhead!"

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "What are you doing here, young lady?"

"I'm afraid Fox is taking an eensy teensy break right now, so I'm here to make sure he doesn't fall behind!"

I heard a couple students chuckle. As if he could ever fall behind.

She blinked at me, green eyes unnerving. "He might be quick to understand, but he's not all-knowing." She smiled. "So I'm just gonna hang out here today, and make sure he doesn't miss anything massively important!"

A couple students seemed nervous, some looked the other way. Bakugou stared at her hard as if hoping to reveal some secret through the sheer power of his eyeballs.

I frowned and cleared my throat. The hum of muttering in the classroom quieted. The new addition to the classroom turn to face forward in her seat as the rest of the class returned to their desks. I sighed, hoping this wouldn't be too much of a disruption of the classes.


Time seemed to fly to lunch. I was mildly excited- finally allowed on school grounds, not to be chased off by Izuku. As I had thought, Iida Tanya held some tension with me, but the girls of the class and I were soon on friendly terms. I suppose it's one perk of always knowing exactly what they want to talk about.

It was a little demotivating sometimes, to know that nobody will ever know me as well as I know them, but through Kaito and Izuku, we'd come pretty close to it.

I was still chatting with Uraraka and Mina when we moved outside for lunch, sitting on a small stone bench and table between three rows of flower bushes that boxed us in on three sides.

I flipped off the cover of my lunchbox, which I had painted bright colors during my free time and with what paint we had around.

Uraraka stared at the lunch Kaito had made for me. "That looks so good!"

"Thanks! My brother made it." I tilted my head. "Don't you have a lunch?" Hunger echoed through her mind, but there was no lunchbox in sight. She shook her head.

"No, my parents don't have the money to get lunches for me, so I usually just eat dinner."

Memories of hungry nights flipped through her thoughts, and I knew that sometimes, she didn't eat dinner, either. I stood up and set the lunchbox in front of her. "Here you go!"

She stared at it incredulously, then turned her warm brown gaze to me. "Are you sure?"

I nodded and put my hands on my hips. "I'm sure! You're real hungry, and I can just eat a bigger dinner!" I winked at her. "Stop on by our cafe later, we'll see to it that you and your siblings get a good dinner! Consider it on the house!"

I heard a new thread approaching rapidly. From behind us- through the bushes. I twisted around to snatch the oncoming person and threw him aside. Mineta crashed into the shrubbery on the other side. The other girls gasped, and a ripple of disgust momentarily synchronized their thoughts.

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