Part 48-Fox Gets Blown Up(Again)

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Deku POV

The sound of Tom's head hitting the far wall was wonderful.

Bakugou landed squarely with a bounce in front of me, raising both hands into a combat-ready position as Kurogiri dropped his glass and raised himself to his (admittedly impressive) full height.

Taya knelt beside me and began to pick the lock on my wrist cuffs. "Follow Bakugou," she whispered, "he and the rest of your class have a plan. I have a few weapons for you, but I gotta blast before I get caught involved."

I nodded. The cuffs fell to the ground with a heavy clunk. I rubbed my wrists, eyeing the deep purple bruises from the metal weight of the restraints. "Got it. I never saw you here."

Taya pushed two knives and my gun, fully loaded, into my hands. "Good luck." She jumped out of the shattered wall and was gone.

I grabbed the back of Bakugou's shirt and threw him out the hole before leaping out myself, narrowly avoiding a piece of shattered glass thrown at my head. Bakugou rolled to his feet, wincing as gravel bit into his palms.

"What's the plan?"

He frowned at me. "What?"

"I said, what's the plan? Don't tell me you came here without any idea of where to go next?"

He shook himself slightly, grimacing at Tom screeching and shouting from the building. The rest of the League will be here soon. "We gotta lure them to the park two blocks east, ASAP."

I frowned at the hole in the wall, where Kurogiri could be seen helping Tom to his feet as best he could. Bakugou grabbed my wrist. "Tell me what to do."

I narrowed my eyes. "Pardon?"

"Look, pal," He groaned, "I'm swallowing a lot of pride here. You've got most of the info on the villains, so I'm telling you to tell me what to do to get us out of here in one piece."

I nodded, mind ticking through different courses of action. "Make some noise, we want them to know where we are if we want them to follow us." I grabbed his wrist and began to pull him down the street to the east.

With a smirk, Bakugou nodded and took a deep breath. He dug in his heels and began shouting as loud as he could. "Oi! Let go, you idiotic moron! I'll fight them all!"

I yanked on his wrist again, raising my voice. "You're a fool. They would destroy you in seconds. Let's get out of here before the heroes find us from your racket."

He pulled back, hard, and his face twisted into a snarl so quickly I almost thought he was actually pissed now. "Shut up! I'm gonna show every one of those pathetic villains the power of Dynamight, the best hero!"

I struggled against him. "If you don't cooperate right now, so help me-"

As expected, Tom burst through the door, maskless and furious, followed by the rest of the League. I pulled on Bakugou's wrist, and this time he followed, stumbling a bit but keeping pace well enough. The villains took the chase instantly, with Toga following us with impressive speed. Good. Quietly, I asked, "What's the plan at the park?

Bakugou almost tripped over a crack in the pavement before muttering, "We go two blocks and turn left. Make a beeline for the far side. The class and your friends are hidden around the perimeter, excluding Mina and Mineta, who are leading heroes to this location. They'll be here soon."

"So a group attack? What about their boss, All for One? He will be there as soon as he figures out what's happening, and even the entire class couldn't face him and his quirk. You... do know what his quirk is, right?"

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