Part 13-Goddamn it Aoi

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Bakugou POV

'How did he know. How in HELL did he know. Deku-Midoriya. Hasn't been seen in years. There's no way he's still... I knew there was something off about that villain knockoff. He knows something he shouldn't...probably multiple somethings.' I huffed, only paying half an ear's worth of attention to what Pikachu was rambling about.

'But now the question is how do I get this out of him? Even I can admit he's stronger than me. And I don't know where he lives. But I need answers!'

"BAKUBRO!" I startled out of my thoughts.


"Um..."Kirishima glanced to the side nervously. "We were wondering who Deku is? You know, the guy Black mentioned earlier?"

I grumbled a curse under my breath. "Someone I used to know. Disappeared bout nine years ago. Never found him. Don't think he's still around. Happy?"

"Oh. Um, yeah. Thanks, that makes more sense."

"Great. Where is the masked fucker."

Todoroki came up behind me, holding a bowl of cold soba. "Fox went home already. Why, did you want to talk to him?"

"And what could you do about it?"

"Well, I talked to one of his friends and got her number. I could ask her to ask him."

"Finally, someone useful around here. Gimme the phone."

There was light laughter behind me. "Hehe! No need for that silly, I'm right here!" I glanced over my shoulder to see a girl around my age with golden, pixie-bob hair and a neat plaid pink dress. Green eyes blicked out from behind long lashes. "Who the hell are you?"

"My name's Aoi. I'm Black's friend. Yoouuuu had a question?"

"Well, now I have multiple. How did you get here?"

"I let myself in. Get to the point, chop-chop. I don't have all day. Black is gonna be here soon and I should be gone by then."

"What...okay." I took a deep breath. "How did that masked bitch know about Deku?"

"Deku..." She tapped her chin. "Oh, I remember him. We housed him for a month or so several years back. Told us all about you. Black has a better memory than me, though, so he could probably tell you more. Don't think he will though." She hummed for a second. "Oh and no, he's not dead but he doesn't wanna talk to you."

There was a loud slam from the doorway, then a shout. "Aoi get OFF of SCHOOL GROUNDS!" I glanced to the door and saw an all-too-familiar black and green fox mask.

Looking back to the girl, I saw her slowly edging away from the vigilante. "Hi, Black. So, um, I was just talking to Bakugou here and-"

"I could not care less, you are not a student here and these are restricted grounds so get out before I make you."

"Oh, fine. I never get to have any fun."

"You can have fun when it's not on restricted grounds and you aren't revealing classified information."

Wait a second.



And here we go again, Aoi causing problems and one bombshell after another being dropped.

(525 words)

Thank you all for reading!


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