Part 17- Red Pigeon

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It's 3 days after the last chapter, and USJ is just starting.

Deku POV

'Something isn't right.'

I could tell that something was going to happen today, and it wasn't going to be fun. Aoi always told me I was being paranoid, but my hunches had never led me wrong before and I saw no reason why they would now.

Nevertheless, I brought along my real weapons today. Usually at school, I wasn't allowed to bring real knives and a gun but I decided today was a day to bypass that rule. I packed as many knives as I could without it being super obvious- three in my belt, one in each sleeve, and one in each pocket. 'Maybe a little overkill but it's better safe than sorry.'

I glanced at my phone. While I was getting ready I had lost valuable time. I sent Eraserhead an email informing him I would meet him at USJ, as it was closer to my new little hidey-hole than the actual school.

Without waiting for his reply, I set off, ignoring the dull ache of my wounds, which were still healing. As I dashed across rooftops, trying to decipher what the tickle at the back of my neck that whispered 'Danger, danger' meant, I took notice with one-quarter of my mind to the red feathers drifting about the place.

Until I started giving them my full attention when they tried to kill me.

I knew I wasn't going to get out of this unscathed but I could sure as hell try. I flipped over one, turned away from another, and cut a third in half with my knife.

'I should conserve my energy for whatever is going to come later.' I began looking for the scruffy man behind the sharp storm. Catching a glimpse of Keigo Takami, or Hawks, far above me, I slipped away from another feather and chucked a knife up at him.

Not much to my surprise, it was stopped by a crimson feather on either side of the blade. The man chuckled and descended just outside my reach. "Hey now, all in good fun."

I scowled at him, though he couldn't see it behind my mask. He seemed to get the idea, though. "Whoa now, calm down, kid. I just wanted to mess with you a little."

I snatched my knife out of the hovering feathers. "I have places to be."

He raised an eyebrow. "Really? Where might that be?"

"You already know, don't play dumb." I started walking towards the glass dome in the distance.

Hawks laughed. "Alright, you got me." I walked in silence, and he flew in silence...sort of. The flapping of his wings was irritatingly loud. 'I swear he's trying to annoy me on purpose.'

"You know, that Todoroki kid seems awfully interested in you."

"I noticed."

"And Bakugou...he just doesn't like you."

"Bakugou doesn't like anyone."

"How would you know?"

I glanced at him. 'What is he playing at?' "That Dabi guy seems awfully interested in you...or should I say, Touya?"

He choked and flailed to a stop. "What- how did-"

I checked my phone. Two messages lay there, one from Aizawa and one from Tomura Shigaraki. I opened it, angling my shoulder so the nosy bird couldn't see.

We got the information for you. Be careful today, an attack has been planned on that little school of yours.

I shot back a message. Don't think I'm gonna stand by, even if we do have a truce I'm still a vigilante.

'Duly noted.'

I put my phone away and kept walking. "I'm a vigilante, before I enter ANY situation, I do my research. Let's just say I'm not exactly indifferent to the League of Villains' movements."

He grumbled to himself under his breath. "You're weird."

I smirked. "I'm aware."

The disgruntled red pigeon flew away and took his too-bright feathers with him.

'Alright. What imminent doom is coming today?'


Hello! Sorry this took me so long, school has picked up again recently and I am still adjusting.

657 words

Have a nice day!


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