Part 25-Tutor

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Tsuyu POV

Aizawa-sensei had come to me with a very...odd proposal. He said that he and Nezu had done something I'd thought impossible- convinced Black Fox to take on "apprentices," as they called us. My first thought was, Don't people usually take on apprentices when they're older? Or a professional?

After that, I thought, They got BLACK FOX to agree to that?

I believed they were just joking with me, but soon, Ochako and Todoroki had told me they had been informed of the same.

And then, I'd been given a prototype schedule- it outlined nights when I'd be sent out to work with the vigilante.

I thought I was dreaming, but no matter how much I pinched myself, I wouldn't wake up.

So, I figured, why not? I'll play along- show up ready, see what happens.

They weren't joking.

I arrived outside the school at sunset Monday, as I'd been told. There stood Aizawa and, sure enough, a figure clothed in a sweatshirt, jeans, and black mask with bright green highlights. A metal water bottle hung heavily from his belt, along with multiple pouches sealed tightly, their contents unknown.

Keeping up with the vigilante was tough-he ran almost faster than I did, and wouldn't slow down for anything. He could jump with ease over gaps I could barely manage to clear and scale walls faster than I could use my tongue to pull myself up. Before I knew it, we had crossed to the opposite border of the city. I was out of breath, while he probably hadn't even broken a sweat. He allowed me only five minutes to rest- when I asked for more, he said, "Every minute we spend dilly-dallying here is a minute someone could be in danger." I must admit, even if he isn't the most agreeable of people, he has his heart in the right place. We combed through the city streets while moving back towards UA grounds, only encountering a few rats the skittered away when we came near. This half of the city is totally destroyed and empty, why do we come around here? I suppose it wouldn't be the worst place for a hideout, but there's clearly nothing here right now.

When we were about halfway back to campus, and the streets were finally filling with people and shops open late at night, he told me to wait where I was. He dashed off, and I turned to look through the window of a shop next to me. A generic clothes shop...hmm, that scarf is nice. I should keep this place in mind for the weekends. The little shopping center wasn't very tightly packed, and dark shadows leaped at every corner. Despite the creepy air, the shops seemed pleasing enough. Nothing special- a few clothes shops, a candy store, and the dark storefront of a small cafe. Bad place to run one of those, I thought, probably don't get much business around here. Five minutes or so later, Black Fox returned by a different alley, followed by a familiar face crowned with blonde, fluffy hair. Except, instead of the comfortable dress, Aoi wore clothes that were not unlike Fox's own- dark sweatpants and a hoodie, with a fox mask pushed to one side of her face.

"I have a few errands to run, so you'll be shadowing Aoi tonight. Stay close to her, and do what she tells you when she tells you." Fox promptly left, leaving me with the bubbly, friendly girl. I had a moment of doubt- She seems too kind to be capable of combat. Is she going to lead me tonight? And I don't think her quirk, whatever it is, is very suited for battle.

"On the contrary, miss Tsuyu Asui! My combat is well suited for battle or rather, for countering ambushes and surprises. And if you trust Fox to lead you, you should trust me-I did receive the same training as him, after all." I flinched back, my mind reeling. How did she know that? What is her quirk? She laughed, the light and airy sound echoing through the emptying streets. "I can read minds! And I can project to you if you'd let me." I stuttered a little. Well, that's...unnerving. "Alright, I suppose..." I swallowed as she gestured for me to follow her, leading me out of the small shopping center through a different alleyway than Fox left via.

Deku POV

I raced through the alleyways, familiar as my own hands, finally able to run at full speed now that Asui had left with Aoi. Taking a sharp left towards my destination, I began to slow so I wouldn't have to come to a jerking halt at my goal. I had slowed to a nice jog, more of a speed-walk, striding up to the abandoned building designated as the rendezvous point.

My mentor's words came to mind about this sector of the city as I took the long stairwell up to the roof. "Almost twenty years ago, a massive villain attack desecrated a portion of the city. Those villains involved are mostly in custody now, but some are still out there. Besides that, the damage remains- despite the government's best efforts, most of the area destroyed remains that way."

My reminiscing was interrupted by a familiar voice. "Well, well, well, looks like we caught a little fox." The scratchy, familiar voice told me who it was- the villain I had made a deal with long ago. I turned to face Tomura. "Hey, Tommy. Got a gift for ya."

The villain raised an eyebrow, scratching at his neck. His face darkened into a visage of ill humor when I tossed him a chapstick and a bottle of lotion, keeping the respectful distance we had wordlessly agreed on log ago. "Got what I need?"

He nodded to Kurogiri, the man-made of deep purple wisps stepping forward and handing me a nondescript yellow folder with a fair amount of paperwork within. "That's one favor off the list, Izuku."

I flipped through the papers before clipping the folder closed once more. "I'm aware."

He sighed. "Anything else?"

"No, that's all for today."

Tomura raised an eyebrow. I sighed, smiling a little. "I'll knock a favor off your list."

Tomura grinned widely, chapped lips cracking and leaking blood. "Make that two."

I was silent. Two favors? When did he-oh, right. He warned me before his attack. "Tomura, you and I both know that doesn't count for a favor."

"And why is that?"

"Because I would have kicked your ass anyway, bastard."

His smile faded a little. "You already knew?"

"Call it a hunch."

"You and your hunches. It's almost Ike a quirk of your very own."

I snickered a little. "You just want to justify how badly your ass got kicked by someone without a quirk."

"Maybe I do, but can you blame me? I, an adult, trained villain, defeated by a kid with some knives and a hunch?"

"And a gun."

"Yeah, speaking of- where did you get that? Who would sell a gun to a minor?!"

"I have my sources. But I think, if I tell you, you'll...make them disappear, I suppose."

"Perhaps. I'd be doing you good-it's not good for a child to have a gun."

I laughed. "How about no?" Shaking my head, I tucked the folder under one arm before giving Tomura a small salute. "I've got what I need, so I'll be off now. Not good for my image to be seen with a wanted villain, you know?"

Tomura smirked. "With your fan club? I wouldn't worry about it, they'd probably think you were convincing me to become a hero."

I grinned slightly. "Maybe."

I closed my eyes and fell off the edge of the building's tall roof. For a moment, I let myself free-fall, rejoicing in the feeling of my stomach dropping out of the bottom of my feet. I flipped myself upright before grabbing an old, now unused flagpole to turn it into forward momentum and slow my descent. I flew through a broken window on the adjacent building, rolling to a stop before calmly taking the stairwell to the ground floor and exiting.

Now, if I can just pull in a few villains, I can call it a successful night.

A successful night it was.


Hi guys school is kicking my ass but I'm still alive

Anyway, to address something: 56K READS? Y'ALL ARE CRAZY AND I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH??? WHAT???

[1,385 words]

Have a nice day, evening, or night!


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