Part 43- Should Have Let Mineta Get Eaten

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Deku POV

I stared out the window at the landscape rolling by, folding my arms when Aizawa stepped on the gas a little.

I refused to show him how jumpy I felt being stuck in a car. We're in the middle of nowhere and here I am, stuck in a seat by a piece of cloth. I can't even stretch my legs and arms here.

I swallowed back a bit of panic at the enclosed space. Just get to the campsite and you can be done with this stupid car.

We had already been driving for hours, leaving as soon as the whole class arrived and the announcement was made that the location of the campsite we were staying at had changed to a lodge deep within a secluded valley. We would still be working with the Pussycats hero group, just at a different location.

I tapped my foot on the floor of the car anxiously. Aizawa glanced at me but said nothing. The landscape rolled by endlessly outside.

Aizawa pulled up at an open dirt space on the edge of the forest. The bus pulled up alongside. I got out of the car as fast as reasonably possible and shuffled off closer to the edge of the forest. The students offloaded from the bus and stood, chattering, in a group in the center of the area. The teachers grouped at the other edge, talking quietly. I checked my phone. No reception at all. No way to contact help if something goes wrong. I examined the area. Other than the students, there was not a sign of any person around.

Suddenly, I heard another car approaching. I glared around in the general direction. From the other road, the one we hadn't come down, came a van painted a brilliant blue. It parked haphazardly and, almost immediately, out came the Pussycats.

The students ooh'd and aah'd. I examined each of them. The Pussycats are a well-known group of heroes with incredibly varied quirks. They offered to help with this training because their abilities will allow them to train almost everyone. I snorted slightly. Wonder how they think I'm gonna do quirk training...

I only gave them half an ear of attention. I don't like this... there are too many places for a villain to hide. And with Tom's warning, and this bad feeling I've got... Earlier, I had chalked it up to anxiety about being in a car, but now that I was on my own two feet, it wasn't gone. The hairs on the back of my neck prickled. I shivered a little. Something bad is going to happen here. I did a silent inventory of my weapons while the Pussycats talked with the students. Training knives in my belt, check. Gun in its holster in my pocket, check. Actual knives in sleeves, pockets...check. Grapple hook in belt pouch, check. I rolled my shoulders. All far as I know...

I was taken aback by the sudden movement in front of me. One of the Pussycats-Pixie Bob- jumped up in front of me. "You're the vigilante kiddo? You're pretty cute."

I shuffled backward. "Personal space."

She followed me. "What's your name? Not Black Fox, of course, everyone knows that, your actual name."

I took three full steps back. "I said, personal space."

She moved as if to follow me again, but when my heel dipped over the cliff, I drew a knife. "What about 'get away from me' don't you understand?! I said, personal fucking space!"

She flinched back. "Whoa, sorry. "

Todoroki put a hand on her shoulder and pulled her back. "Don't worry about it. Fox gets antsy when he meets new people. And you did kind of corner him."

I scowled at him for comparing me to some kind of wild animal before relenting. He's not entirely wrong... He raised an eyebrow at me discreetly. I folded my arms and slightly shook my head. I might be anxious, but it's not your business, pal. He shrugged and kept talking to the Pussycat as they walked away, back to the group.

For a few minutes, they talked. Aizawa sidled his way over to me. "What was that about?"

"Not my fault she literally almost shoved me off a cliff."

"You don't usually snap at people that fast."

I itched to shout at him about how he didn't know that, but I only shrugged. "Special conditions. Falling off a cliff is not really how I wanted to spend my morning."

He eyed me warily. "Not one of your amazing hunches?"

"Maybe it is or maybe it isn't. Not your business."

He huffed and walked away. The Pussycats regrouped on the edge of the clearing. "Alright, everyone!" Pixie Bob clapped her hands(paws?) together to get everyone's attention. "We have an announcement about how the rest of today is going to go."

I started paying them actual attention. "So, the lodge is about ten miles that-a-way." She pointed over my shoulder to the forest off the side of the cliff. "You guys will be walking there, and remember, you need to be there before lunchtime!"

The students collectively groaned. A few made a break for the bus, but before they get very far, the earth crumbled beneath our feet. On reflex, I jumped out from the cliff, twisted in mind air, and rolled when I hit the ground.

Sero hit the ground next to me. He grumbled, getting to his feet. "Why do you get to stick the landing?"

"Because I know breakfall moves."

Pixie Bob leaned over the cliff, now significantly steeper. "Good luck!"

Her head disappeared, and we heard the sound of cars starting up.

I shrugged, shaking out my legs from the fall, and started into the forest. Todoroki quickly caught up to me. "So what's the catch here?"

I shrugged. "I'm not all-knowing."

"I know. But I figured you'd know more than I do."

I shrugged again and sped up. He stayed beside me.

Mineta sprinted off ahead. "There's food at that lodge, and I'm gonna be the first there! See ya, chumps!"

Before he got very far, the ground rumbled. I braced myself, widening my stance and planting my feet firmly on the ground. With a massive roar, a beast of crumbling earth lunched at Mineta. Dirt jaws closed around the back of his shirt, lifting him into the air, where he hung, screaming. Scream, scream, scream. That's about all he does, huh?

Still, what kind of vigilante would I be if I left a kid to die?

I dashed forward, aiming for its stocky arm. I jammed my foot into a cleft and pushed off hard, springing up to grab its shoulder and haul myself onto its back. The beast swayed alarmingly underfoot as if trying to shake me off. However, none of its actions seemed particularly lethal. "It's only a test," I shouted, "From the Pussycats! It's not going to kill us, but it will hurt us!"

I snatched up my grapple gun and threw the hook around its neck. With my other hand, I grabbed it as it swung back around. Yanking back, I exposed the beast's neck, where its vital artery would be if it were a real animal. The rocky beast pushed back against my grip, and I dug in my heels, trying my hardest not to let it break my hold. A wave of ice crashed into its neck, piercing the soil through. It let out one final screech and crumbled to dust. Mineta fell face-first into the dirt. I landed nimbly beside him. "See? Easy."

Mineta glared daggers at me. "I didn't need saving! Nobody who needs saving looks good in front of the girls!"

"Nobody who is a pompous and rash asshole looks good in front of the girls, but since you're so insistent, I'll let you handle it next time." I turned away, glancing over my shoulder to grin at the way he shook his head vigorously.

Todoroki picked up Mineta by the back of the shirt and turned to call Bakugou. I rolled my eyes and slid away into the forest. About time they did something without my help.


Sorry guys lol shit got busy real fast, short chapter this week

[1,363 Words]

Have a great day/evening/night!


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