Part 44- Izuku Adopts a Child

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Todoroki POV

I heaved a breath before slapping a hand against the pot's side.

I sat in a massive bowl full of water. Every other breath I took I slammed a hand against the metal sides, sending alternating waves of fire and ice. I swear most of this water in here is just my own sweat. I was sweating...well, buckets. I swallowed hard, gasping for breath, and repeated the motion, wincing as the water turned frigid from the surrounding ice of my quirk.

Pixie-Bob blew a whistle loudly and I rested my head on the rim. About goddamn time we got a break. All around me students groaned and collapsed against the ground or rocks or trees. I swallowed down deep gasps and pushed sweat-soaked hair out of my eyes. A glance around confirmed my suspicions- Fox isn't here.

He continued to not be here the rest of the day while the other students pushed through their grueling training.

He continued to not be there as the class cooked dinner.

He continued to not be there as we relaxed in the hot springs, watching in amusement as Mineta glanced at the wall, trembling. The idiot probably wants to climb the wall and peek, but he's too scared.

The next day, Fox continued to not be present. The students trained throughout the day again, and no hide nor hair was seen of him.

He showed up momentarily at dinner wearing a long-sleeved albeit thin shirt and cargo pants. He took over one of the stoves, promptly cooked himself a quick small meal, and, after seeming to glance around, doubled his portions.

He then promptly disappeared again.


Deku POV

I carried the two bowls of food up to the cliffside.

As I had expected, Kouta was there, sulking against the rock wall. He half-stood up when he saw me, but froze as if in shock as I held out one bowl of curry to him.

"What is this?"

"It's food."


"Because you didn't eat dinner."

"I'm not hungry."

"Eat it anyway."


I sighed. "Look kid I've had a long day dealing with Aizawa, I'm not dealing with this too. Just eat the food."

He frowned but took the bowl and reluctantly began to slurp up the food. I slumped next to him, relishing in the feel of cold stone against sore muscles. The curry sated the growling hunger in my abdomen. For a while, I sat with the kid in silence.

"You really don't like heroes any more than I do, huh?"

I glanced at the child. "Not really. Heroes are inefficient, and most of them are stuck-up fools. They think that because the government doesn't have my name on a paper means I can't do just as good of a job. Think they can teach kids to do the job but that kids can't actually do the job unless recognized. Bunch of stupid hypocrites."

"Yeah...if they were better, they would have saved my parents. Instead, it was a vigilante who responded first."

I chuckled. Aoi was out that night, right? Maybe? Lucky kid. "How are they now?"

"Hospitalized. Doctors say they might not live. Stuck me with a bunch of heroes as a substitute."

I hummed. "Seems kind of irresponsible. If the heroes are busy all day, who's watching you?"

"Nobody. I've been watching you train with Eraserhead all day."

I laughed a little. "I'm flattered." We sat in silence for another minute. "You know, I don't usually get along with kids."


"Yup. Too noisy or hyperactive for me. And they usually think I'm too stuck-up or serious."

"Huh. The Pussycats tell me I'm mature for my age."

I sighed. "If I show you a secret, do you promise not to tell the heroes?"

He nodded. "Sure."

With a sigh, I pushed off the hood of my shirt and slid the string around my mask from my hair. Kota tried his best not to stare as I pushed long strands of green hair from my face. "Gets a little stuffy." Hopefully, that can get his trust. I can't help his parents now, and I don't like this, but I want to help him somehow. If I can convince him to enjoy himself a little...

He nodded, dumbstruck.

I ruffled his hat on his head. "Take it from me, kiddo. I never had much of a childhood. Most people still think I'm an adult under the mask." I sighed. "Enjoy your immaturity while you can get away with it. People will praise you all the time for being mature for your age, but all they're doing is telling you you're good at thinking about things above age. I'm sorry your parents are in trouble but don't let it take away everything you have right now. Be a kid while you are a kid because you're never going to get this chance again, yeah?"

He stared up at me. I was acutely aware of my appearance again- tired eyes, messy ungroomed hair, dirt-stained face. Hints of a burn scar peeking over my collar. The look of someone who hasn't been peaceful in years. The look of someone who has dealt with danger that's not yet meant for them. Kota nodded. "Alright."

I got up and stretched luxuriously, reveling slightly in the burn of muscles pulling and lengthening through the soreness of a full day and a half of training. "Let's go back to camp. You can watch me without hiding tomorrow, and if I get a break, maybe I can even help you."

Kota's whole face lit up. "Okay!" He glanced down at his hands. "My quirk is, um...water-based. I shoot water from my hands."

"Alright. We'll see how to continue from there tomorrow."

He jogged to catch up and walked solidly by my side. I dusted off my mask and pulled the strings tight around my head. With a huff, I switched the voice changer back on and yanked my hood over my hair. "Remember, kid, that's a secret between you and me, okay?"


Back at camp, it was late when we came in, and Pixie Bob came up to us worriedly. "Kota! Where did you go? We were all worried about you!"

I held up a hand. "He was alright. Let a kid have a safe space, yeah? Don't forget you're not the only one who can take care of him." I patted him on the back. "And make sure he eats dinner in the future rather than sneaking off first."

I turned my back on them and walked nonchalantly but carefully off to my(mercifully) private room.

Bakugou POV

Well, that was weird.

Fox stalked off to his room. All eyes in the room turned to the kid but he shrugged it off. With a huff, he jogged away from Pixie Bob's hands and out to his own room.

I met Todoroki's eyes with raised brows. He only shrugged.


Sorry for no update last week lmao got distracted with other fics

Izuku has a child now, his name is Kota and he likes to punch ppl in the crotch

[1,153 words]

Have a great day/evening/night!


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