Part 39- Fox is Petty

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Aizawa POV

Fox had yet to return to school.

It had been a week and a half and we had had no contact from the vigilante. His friends had assured us he was fine, but while Nezu had no worries, I was concerned. With first year finals approaching, if we didn't get in contact with him, we would have to fail him from his first year.

A few of the students had also begun asking about his wherabouts, though Todoroki was noticably absent from those few. I had a sneaking suspicion he had overheard a few things he shouldn't have, but he did his house arrest with no complaints, so I let him be about it.

Almost two days before we began considering the finals test details and teams, I recieved a text from an unknown number.

<Hey Eraserhead! It's Aoi, one of Fox's friends! He wants to let you know he will be present for finals but has been preoccupied for a while. Thanks!

I glared hard at my phone and massaged my temples. What the hell has the kid been doing for a week and a half?

When I then recieved a packet of information files on my desk, I knew.

For a week and a half, Fox had done in-depth research about incredible amounts of villains and villain incidents. On top of the packet was a paper that read, "Could a child do all this? (P.S. If you were worried about me having favors owed by villains, here's most of them down the drain. Hope you're happy)"

I smacked myself on the head, sighing. "I suppose I did say that was concerning..."

Deku POV

When it was 10 PM, the twins finally closed up shop. They closed early thanks to Mother's Day.

I trudged through their back door and fell over on their in-store couch with a groan.

Kaito sat down next to me and pulled off my hood and mask. 'Rough day?'

I nodded tiredly. "Being petty truly is a workout."

Aoi giggled and sat across from me. "Truer words have never been spoken. What were you doing anyway?"

"Eraserhead was concerned I had villains owing favors to me, so I pulled in a bunch and sorted all the info at once. Gave him the files."

'You don't have to prove to him that you're mature,' Kaito signed, 'You're mature enough to understand that already.'

"I don't care if he thinks I'm mature, I care if he respects me and my abilities. They don't always go hand-in-hand."

He shrugged. 'True, but maybe you should be less...serious over his opinion.'

I shrugged and yawned, getting up to trudge over to the door of their apartment. "Maybe. I'm gonna go sleep, though."

Aoi called after me, "Remember you have a meeting with Night Tiger tomorrow morning!"

I waved one hand at her. "I'd be more surprised if they expect me to show up on time by now."

Morgana tapped her nails neatly on the table. I sat back in my seat, resisting the urge to break something to start a conversation. We were waiting for Charles and Molly, who were running late.

When Charles burst in the door, his hair was messy and his suit rumpled. "Hello, all! Pardon for the tardiness, we were held up by a few villain incidents!"

He stood quickly behind his chair at the head of the meeting table. "Speaking of, I'm glad to see you've joined us, Fox! Welcome back!"

I nodded quietly. "Apologies for my absence, some stuff came up."

He nodded understandingly. "It happens."

Molly rushed in the door, as neat as ever. "S-sorry! U-um, Fox, these are a few papers for you."

I took the forms. "They are for...?"

"Um, these are t-to waive punishments you might face for f-fighting a dangerous villain alone, these are t-to pardon you from it in the future, and these are some finalizing stuff in g-getting you a license."

I grunted and sorted through the papers, making sure to read the fine print while Charles and Molly informed the official heroes about their weekly routes and all of that.

Assuring that nothing was out of order with the papers, I took out a dying pen and scribbled a barely legible signature on it. Morgana caught a glimpse of it and gave me a strange look. I wrinkled my nose at her, though she couldn't see it.

A minor debrief later and I was off, ignoring Morgana's attempts to talk to me as I left. She was pestering me about something, but I tuned her out, focusing more on whether I wanted to bother going to school today. It's not like Lucille didn't teach me all this anyway. And better than any of the UA teachers did, anyway.

I sighed. I guess I have to if I don't want to get expelled now. I mean, I don't care, but it is advantageous to be there...


Hey guys, sorry it's short this week I'm tired asf lol

[822 Words]

Have a great day/evening/night!


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