Part 19-Twins being Stubborn Shits(Again)

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Izuku POV

Things were going decently. I wasn't hurt yet, about a fifth of the villain mass was down, and I knew what Tom's plan was.

I knew the moment Kurogiri split from the main group towards the class of 1-A. He was splitting them up. 'So they have more villains out there?'

Eraserhead seemed to be doing fine, so I made a run for the zones where the students would probably be dropped. I ignored the tingle of 'danger, danger' that prickled at the back of my neck as I dashed away. I had to focus on the students. Eraserhead was tough, he could live through whatever they threw at them. Still, I figured I should probably get back as soon as possible.

The first area I came upon was the area accurately labeled the "Flood Zone." The only land was the surrounding hearth and a boat that floated quietly in the middle. Or, it should be. The boat was rocking back and forth wildly, sending a spray of false saltwater over the railing. There were only about 7 villains in the water, but I didn't have any advantage here. Luckily for me, one of the students did.

Tsuyu Asui and Minoru Mineta were on the boat. Asui was crouching on the floor with all fours gripping the wood boards, while Mineta was frantically hanging on to the railing.

I backed up and took a running jump, pushing off the ground with all my might. I sailed through the air and landed neatly on top of the captain's quarters, despite the erratic movement of the slick surface. Asui jumped slightly when she saw me, but Mineta didn't seem to care, wailing about...some very perverted things. I decided I'd report him later.

"Asui! Take Mineta and get out of here as fast as you can!"

She gripped the boat tighter as the rocking increased. "I can't, kero! The villains will attack if I try and swim away!"

I held back from an aggravated sigh. 'In a life-or-death situation, you have to think outside the box! Really, how are these people even considered heroes in training?' "Go up! Grab him and use your tongue to grapple to the ceiling. I'll take care of things here!"

She seemed to hesitate for a moment before nodding. She snatched up Mineta from the railing, easily breaking his weak grip, and wrapped her tongue around one of the support beams crisscrossing the ceiling.

'Alright then. How do I deal with this?' I glanced around for anything that might give me the upper hand. Most of the villains swimming around the boat seemed to be pretty much stuck in the water, as the edges of the pool were pretty steep.

'Alright then. I don't have to win, I just have to get out of here.' I steadied myself on the tilting boat and took another running start- not as long as I would have liked, but better than nothing. When I pushed off, however, one of the villains leaped out of the water, aiming right for me with a massive knife. I braced myself for impact, but instead, there was pressure around my middle and a whoosh of air, and then the water and the villains were racing away. I twisted myself to be ready to counter any attacks coming from whatever was attacking me but the assault never came. The pressure was released and a twisted again to land on my feet on the wide support beam.

Beside me was Mineta, clutching the rafter and screeching, and Asui, looking thoroughly fed up with it. "Thanks."

Asui nodded, then pointed to the gates. "Iida-Kun and some others are over there, but the purple villain is still stalling them.

"They can take care of it. Go help the other students! Leave Mineta here, he'll be useless."

To my relief, Asui didn't argue and began to grapple with the other zones. I was about to head in the other direction to different zones but there was a roar at the center of the USJ building. Even just a glance down told me I needed to help Eraserhead. He was pinned down by a massive creature, with bulging eyes and an exposed brain. 'Nomu.'

I was about to get my grapple gun out before I saw two golden heads making their way towards me across the rafter. 'God damn it. Why can't they ever just stay where it's safe?'

Aoi reached me first. "Zuku, be careful! That creature has multiple quirks, and skin as hard as concrete!"

Kaito reached me a moment later. 'She's right, you can't beat it. It's stronger than any pro hero!''

I scowled behind the black and green porcelain. "I know that. But if I can't beat it, nobody can."

Kaito and Aoi glanced at each other. 'Uh oh. I know that look.'

I said, "You can't come with me," but at the same moment, Aoi blurted, "We're going to help you!"

I sighed. "No, you aren't. You two need to stay safe."

Aoi pouted at me. "Look, just because you're stronger than us doesn't mean we can't be helpful!"

"No, but it does mean I'd have to worry about you the whole time."

"No, you don't! We trained under Foxfire too, we can take care of ourselves!"

I grit my teeth, knowing she wouldn't give in. "Fine, get Eraser out of there and fend off the rest of the villains."

Before either of them could argue I looped my grapple gun over the support beam and lowered myself down, aiming right for the Nomu.

I landed with one foot square on its exposed brain, and one raised and ready to push off if I needed to. With an experienced flick of my wrist, I released my grapple gun and hooked it onto my belt for ready use.

A moment later the Nomu surged up beneath me, releasing Eraserhead's very broken arm to swat at me. Before it reached me, though, I flipped off of it and it ended up smacking its head, to which it roared in anger.

I noted with satisfaction the vines lifting Eraserhead's broken body and carrying him to safety. I returned my attention to the Nomu just in time to dance out of the way of an arm smashing into the concrete. I took note of the hole in the floor it had caused and made an internal note to avoid its arms.

I drew my knife, wishing I had more bullets to my empty gun. Before either of us could make a move, however, the door to the building burst open to reveal All Might in a white t-shirt.

'He looks pissed.'

The mass of villains shuffled back a bit before most of them were sent flying, save the ones closer to the perimeter. All Might was now at the other end of the group, kneeling, fists clenched.

He looked back at me. "Black, get everyone to the entrance. I'll leave them to you."

I grimaced, knowing there wasn't anything I could do to help in this fight. All Might could do more here than I could.

I turned and sprinted towards the entrance, where Iida was holding the door open for the rest of the class, who were slowly making their way out of the woods towards the exit. Aoi and Kaito were just running out of the door, with Aizawa with them.

Before I was even halfway there I had a sudden chill. This was nothing like the usual tingle of 'be wary, be cautious.' This was screaming, 'DANGER! DANGER! LOOK OUT!'

I ducked and rolled out of the way of All Might, crashing into the ground with the massive Nomu on top of him.

That was when I realized how bad this situation was about to get.


Ello, I'm not dead yet lol

I passed all of my classes wooo! Yay me! Time to be burnt out for 2 weeks.

Also tomorrow is my birthday, yay me x2

See y'all! Have a nice day/night/time!


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