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Caress in silence

Paradise is always true

Army moves swiftly



I looked up from where I was finishing packing up my luggage to where my wife was standing with what seemed like a neatly wrapped and boxed gift. I looked at her strangely and then down to the packaging that was resting outstretched in my direction, waiting for me to reach out and take it from her.

My eyebrows furrowed, "What is this?" I asked her as I slowly reached out and took it from her. Amani lifted her lips to form a small smile, "A present, Layton." She stated once I had the wrapped box in my hands fully.

I bit the inside of my cheek. "And it isn't my birthday... or a holiday, so what exactly could this be that you're giving to me?" I shook the box timidly, bending to listen for a sound but nothing came of it. I was curious as to what she had in store for me; this was a rarity since I preferred not to be gifted anything, I usually didn't want anything that I didn't already have so for Amani to find something to give something to me seemed to be very important.

"No neither of those... but I thought since we're heading back down to Clico, you should have something fresh to start work up with again." She stated as she took a seat on the side of the bed we had shared for the weeks we resided up in Ormshire—relieved of our duties as Empress and Emperor to decompress and reconnect with each other. I pushed over the luggage resting on my side and took a seat myself so I could get a better look at what she had for me.

"I'm impressed you can think of something to get me." I said to her as I began peeling back the wrapping paper slowly and intricately as to not make much of a mess; I never fancied the destruction my twin would make whenever he got gifts—tossing and ripping at object until it nearly fell apart, growing up with him you would think the quiet one of us all would have more control, but I digress.

Amani giggled, "It was difficult... you never want anything, you're a hard man to please." She sighed as she continued watching me with an inept focus. I turned to look at her briefly, one eyebrow arching in a teasing manner, "Oh, but I think I'm rather easy to please.... your body for example is one of the ways I find myself a smiling man throughout the day." I jested with her.

From the corner of my eye, I could see her rolling her eyes but she continued to focus on me getting the gift open, which I finally did after a couple more seconds of prolonging the inevitable.

Before me, sat what looked to be like a journal-planner hybrid. It looked well-made and intricately designed. I reached over for the book and studied it intensely; the exterior of the journal seemed to be made of a leather and croc material that whenever I pressed my hand against it I could feel the smooth bumps of the skin against it. Located at the front of the book was my name pressed in gold script lettering, I found myself smiling at the small touches of details.

"Look on the inside." Amani ushered for me to continue looking through it.

I did as she said pulling the book apart to see what was inside; I got a whiff of the fresh scent of a newly-opened book and I liked it, the pages waiting to be written on and all of it was tailored to my preferences; even the lettering and lines were pleasant to my eyes and how I preferred to look at things printed on a paper.

"Oh, it's so neat and orderly." I stated in awe as I continued looking through the pages.

Amani giggled, "Who would've thought you were into that kind of thing, hm?" She stated. I scoffed, "Yeah... if you were thinking Amory was the neat writer of the both of us... you're very wrong. My brother has a brilliant mind, but the words he conveys onto text is the equivalent to chicken scratched." I mocked as I brushed through the smooth and silk paper before reaching what seemed to be the end of the book.

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