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Petals fall idle

Setting sun shifts in the sands

Leaf drifts silently


Blanche Opeyemi Kyauta Dufour-Lavoie was the daughter of a Muraness family in Dāliyah, a southern region of Idizia located south-west of Clico. She was the only daughter of three children, her two older brothers Izan and Feroz were for the most part, heirs to the namesake of their mother and father's land. Don't get me wrong, Blanche was as well, but from a very young age she was quite the explorer, wanting very much to get out of Idizia and conquer different lands that she's never seen—noble life wasn't much of her taste as she pursued other passions that were near and dear to her heart.

Blanche's family was very respected. And I say that not because of their noble status, that unlike some, was quite lower on the caste system, but mostly due to the fact that they were insanely wealthy; quite wealthy in fact than most Durmens in the noble system. So, what the Dufour-Lavoie family lacked in "title power" they made up for with their riches.

I would definitely say they somewhere on par with Amani's background wealth prior to the revelation of her noble house; but I knew in Amani's realm, the amount had to have definitely increased now with combination of the Imperial Family's riches. On the other hand, Blanche's mother and father did a lot of business around the world, mostly manufacturing companies for things such as clothing and construction, so it made sense why she was very heavily invested in the fashion-industry.

Last, I have heard of her she was doing some modeling oversees, but since then it's been quiet on her end; her family tended to be on the "quieter" side when it came to bragging, but once you were in their little circle, it was quite apparent how accustomed they were to living a certain lifestyle there was no doubt about that.

Blanche and I were very much childhood friends, we had the same schooling together, same social circle, and quite frankly I would argue she was one of my closest friends that didn't happen to be my twin—one of the very small number of "authentic" individuals that I had a pleasure of learning a lot from and about.

When we were teens, roughly around the time my granddad had passed, Blanche was there for me. But shortly after, she whisked away to Paris with her parents being more based down there with their work; it was more convenient for them to all be together, rather than spread around.

          She came back to Idizia from time to time, her family now that they've gotten older, were more conspicuous in the Idizian social scene than they had been prior; Blanche on the other hand, still wasn't around as much, as I mentioned before, traveling over the world for fashion and such—I never quite knew what she did exactly in that realm, but I would love to have a sit down and catch-up with her and all that she's been up to.

I was so amazed to see how well she has grown up. She was always quite tall for her age and the same rang true for her height in adult hood, no surprise there that she modeled. Her face resembled that of a slender oval, very direct and sharp at the edges of her chin, her nose was long and full while it remained quite bulbous towards the tip; her eyes were wide-set and upwards angled almost in Asian-like way, her lips were also rounded, both the top and bottom half full and plump as well as decorated with a nude shade of gloss that matched the tone of her darker skin well.

Blanche was always on the slimmer side with the remainder of her body just showcasing her length and lean nature. No surprise she was dressed to the T in designer, her clothing choices even as a young child rivaled that of a celebrity.

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