
518 61 57

Herald of balance

Quiet noise of summer's night

Eyes dart wait and see


"So, this apartment here is on the market for 5,950 Loti weekly, it's located right in one of the areas you were interested in as well. It has six bedrooms and 7.5 bathrooms." The relator showed Rose and I around the lavish apartment located in the exclusive neighborhood of Perigrine; we had previously looked through the other neighborhoods such as Blanca, East Choctaw, Firth, Guava Dunes, and Fresco Valle and honestly there was a reason all these sections in Clico were deemed the most "sought after". These places were littered with luxury accommodations and housing that, if you had the right amount in your pocket, you would definitely get your money's worth.

            So far, I was really appreciating the neighborhood of Perigrine; something about it had this classic vibe to it that was a lot calmer than say a more Nouveau riche area like Firth.

            This particular apartment was located nearly to the top of the lavish complex, but someone was already occupying the penthouse. Regardless, this space was incredible, capturing the exquisite Idizian style that the country was known for; I wondered if Rose liked it, she seemed pretty indecisive the more places we toured around the city, at times looking over to me for some input.

            I assumed that's why she had me here in the first place, to help her decide.

            "It's really pretty, they designed the interior very well." Rose muttered as she continued walking around the space, her designer heels clicked against the sand-colored luxury vinyl flooring that looked newly installed.

            We continued walking around the space, I took note of the classic touches that still remained in the mostly modern-looking apartment, the crown molding and romantic window frames with amazing views of the nearby fountain of Idizia; it was the ultimate kind of place to stay for someone like Rose who valued being around where the action was.

            "This building has top of the line security, you can see who comes in through that panel over there." The real-estate agent continued to show us through the apartment, stopping at the bedrooms one by one, showing the closet space before heading to the kitchen and other living spaces. The kitchen area was beautiful with the contrasting dark ashen paneled cabinets and coordinating high-end space gray appliances; the main counter space where Rose could have her breakfast was a beautiful white slab of marble that had a waterfall effect falling on both sides to the floor in the marvelous stone.

            "Those lights are cool." I nudged Rose as I pointed to the abstract chandelier that hung over the marble countertop. It had multiple golden rods that descended from the ceiling at different heights, a bright circular bulb hanging at the end each of the rods.

            She nodded in agreement, "It does brighten up the place." Her voice still sounded unsure; we'd be looking at apartments all day if she didn't decide pretty soon. The relator continued boasting about the amenities of the place as she led us to the living space of the flat.

            "Here in the living room we have a lovely view of the Fountain of Idizia as well as the rest of Clico...stunning really, not many views like this." She continued to sell everything about this apartment to her. I looked around the living space, tearing my gaze from the wide windows showcasing the jaw-dropping view of the city below us.    

            The style of the living room could be easily explained as something of a Neo-classical style; it was quite luxurious with the dessert-colored inspired sofa and love seats, the golden accents of the round table, and eccentric looking chandelier that reminded me of the big circle sequins you would sometimes find on purses and dresses. The art here also seemed to compliment the look of the entire place without it seeming to pretentious; to finish off the look, a large and simple gray rug rested in the center of the room tying the entire thing together perfectly.

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