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Behind golden doors
Ruby red jewels whisper
Follow Your heart's call...

Please note: Idizia is to the left of Portugal and Spain and not too far off from France. Again, this is a made up country and my lovely map maker did this for me :)


It was hard to say that I enjoyed myself after the clubbing ended with all my friends. In fact, it would be a complete lie to say that at all. Once Blake and I were in the taxi, things were going great, we were making out and re-connecting with each other after being away for so long; things were perfect and right on track for some good love making sessions. Once we arrived back at my apartment, he noticed that I had some suitcases and clothing laid out and he asked me where I was going; that's when I told him the remaining portion of my new job responsibilities and how that meant I was going to be living in Idizia for some time in the process.

            Blake wasn't all that happy about that news in fact, he was majorly disappointed.

            I told him there wasn't anything I could do about it since it was a high-profile family, I had to go to them, not the other way around. He argued with me back and forth about how we were already long-distance as it is and how he wasn't comfortable with me being out there alone with "Idizian men". I wasn't sure where any of this insecurity was coming from, but I assured him I would be fine after all, I had tons of family still living over there including my biggest support, Uncle Zyair and of course my best friend Jonathan, I was far from being alone.

            Regardless, he didn't like my response to his opposition and pretty much got angry and stormed off. He ended up taking a flight back to Toronto. He would rather that then just talk it out and stay the night with me. I swear he was so impulsive at times, doing things on a whim without thinking, sometimes I didn't understand. You would think after being with him for over four years, that we would come to some understanding about our lives?

            It was alright from him to be hopping on flight to flight for job opportunities, but the minute I have an extended stay for one of my clients, it was a problem. I didn't care that he was throwing a tantrum, I finally had an opportunity to go to Idizia and I was taking it whether he liked it or not. Daddy would have a fit if he saw me putting my career on hold for a man, he already didn't like Blake as it is and this would be the icing on the cake.

            So instead of the passionate, erratic, love-making I assumed I would be having tonight I spent the rest of the early morning sobering up as I continued packing up my luggage, stopping between folding to scroll through my phone and try to call or text Blake. He didn't answer any of my attempts made to contact him.

            He's such a fucking brat.

            I fell asleep soon, cuddling with my sweet Birman cat Sashu and didn't wake until the early afternoon. I worked out had a green juice and did some more research until I got a text from my dad challenging me to a tennis match against him. I couldn't resist temptation and agreed to coming over, I needed someone to vent my frustrations out to; I knew my dad would just tell me to break up with him, but at least he was a good sport about listening to me complain first before laying down the truth.

            That and I did enjoy beating his ass in my excelled sport.

            I grabbed all my things and made my way back to my parent's home. I parked my Bentley Bentayga in the garage where my parent's others cars resided and slipped out grabbing my tennis things with me in the process. I used my spare key to let myself into the house and attempted to make my way towards the tennis court, stopping by the kitchen to see if my mother was in there.

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