-One Hundred-Six-

357 37 59

Note: I made that collage of what Inyene would wear on her wedding day and at the reception.

Tea's brewing earnest

A true friend assaults the air

Hair flows side to side


The day before Fionn and Inyene's wedding, the entire family gathered in the Larkspur dining room to commemorate a new beginning for the couple; we needed the larger room due to the number of all family members joining us for the meal. There was my family, Layton's and Inyene's so the space was well needed for many people here, but thankfully it was just family so it was intimate enough that everyone didn't necessarily have to be formal with each other.

            As per customs, Fionn and Inyene had moved into Maelony and as of right now, were in separate guests' rooms until the wedding, then they would be able to move into the renovated apartment suite they had spent months designing together.

            I was so happy for them, I mean we all had watched from the time they had first gotten together, the pressure from both sides of their family, and finally, we've reached the end where they finally get to have their fairytale finale as a couple once and for all.

            "I absolutely love the day before a wedding, something always feels different in the air, don't you think?" Mukami asked gleefully as she bounced Nomi on her knee; our baby seemed to be enjoying herself ever since we brought her down with us for dinner. Layton and I had initially planned for her to stay upstairs with the nanny, but once she noticed that we were leaving she began fussing until we finally gave in and brought her down with us; I don't think the rest of the family minded though because they were all taking turns holding her, Mukami being the most proactive in keeping the baby in her arms.

             "The day before does bring a few jitters, indeed." Grandma Zenny agreed with a slow nod of her head. She was definitely a lot more relaxed these days with the wedding and all, mainly because the Imperial Family was finally going to be completed; the line of succession had been established and my position on the throne solidified which I'm sure that gave her an ease of mind at night.

             I still couldn't believe at a point in time she was forced to keep the information of my true identity of who I really was to herself; it's no wonder she was agitated and threatening to burst at any second, exposing it all to whoever would listen.

Thankfully, we no longer had to go through that difficult period of time, especially when our lives were nearly on the line with those psycho extremists. Everything had calmed down and everyone had fallen into a happy pattern that they were comfortable with.

"Oh, goodness... now I'm worried should I be nervous?!" Inyene asked with a bit of alarm, her eyes widened as she looked between Mukami and my grandmother with inquisition but it was my mother who waved her hand absentmindedly, "Not at all... I was rather calm the day I married Kader." She boasted proudly.

My father cleared his throat at her statement, "Not an ounce of anxiety, dear?" He questioned her. I chuckled at my father's words, if he was anything close to what he was like when I was being brought into this world, I could only imagine he spent the night before the wedding to my mother biting his nails, losing sleep over the day.

My mother laughed, "Sure honey...maybe a little bit... about tripping over my dress." She finished with another chuckle. Beside me Layton shook his head and turned to me, "You were nervous, weren't you?" He whispered to me.

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