
433 54 49

Menace on the ice

Sparkling star communicates

Branches sprout upset


"You need to learn how to fight."

Those were the first words I heard when I awoke in my bedroom. I was startled almost instantaneously as I realized how close Cairo was to my resting figure; her sun-burst eyes watching me like a curious cat, never once blinking until I sat up in my bed and gave her an odd stare. I rubbed my face and cocked my head to the side as I questioned what she had just told me.

"Fight?" I inquired.

She stepped back and adjusted her hands so they rested behind her back in a disciplined manner. "Yes." She simply answered, I gave her a look that urged her to elaborate further. Cairo gave me a steady look before her eyes dimmed in an unamused manner.

"My team and I will not be here forever." She began, I tossed my legs over my bed still sitting down as I got my bearings after just being awoken. What time was it even? My gaze turned slightly to my windows that have not been drawn yet; I could see a slice of light cut through the black-out curtains that indicated the sun was just beginning to rise high in the sky, it had to be early morning right now.

"I had already spoken to your mother and grandmother... we have discussed your new security detail that will take over in our place on a permanent basis to ensure you and your family's complete safety." She stated.

I furrowed my brow, "Will these be regular guards as we had before?" I questioned her.

Cairo shook her head, "No... the outsourced ones you had previously were unfortunately incompetent and ill-equipped for such a high-profile family of extraneous wealth. The ones serviced through my family's organization will fare just well in protecting you, that I know for sure." She stated confidently.

I pursed my lips at what she had just said, "I know you said your team has to leave after finishing with our situation... do you have other missions to go on?" I asked her curiously.

Cairo remained stagnant in answering me, her face blank and unmoving of any emotion. I always wondered how she was able to do something like that, look impassive as if she were unbothered by anything someone was doing or saying. I was curious about how her and her team were trained; I had never seen a group of individuals as them being able to handle such a dire situation with precision and absolutely no fear.

Training didn't seem like such a bad idea, I wanted to at least know how to protect myself if the occasion ever called for it; hopefully it would never have to come to that, but the teaching would be very beneficial to me.

"I refrain from taking on too many engagements, especially if it interferes with my family life. I only accept contracts that my organization deems are top priority... and a royal family would be on that list..." She turned away from me momentarily studying the interior of my suite with a steady gaze, "I don't like to be gone too long from my children, that is why we are very precise on how we tackle issues." She finished

I was a bit surprised by what she said, more so on the children part. I don't know why I was under the impression that these women couldn't possibly have families of their own with the work they did. But it just seemed to me since they were always holding guns, had extensive knowledge on things such as bombs and terrorists' organizations that they wouldn't want anything as permanent as a family holding them back.

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