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Countries of futures

Last farewell commanding me

Contest on the ice


The Day of Doves ball had finally come, a day before the actual events of the official country holiday was set to be in effect. As I had seemingly gotten used to, the palace halls were swarming with frantic workers left and right as they prepared for the evening soirée where many would attend to celebrate the very special day Idizian held near and dear to their heart. I was also very excited for the ball myself because Layton himself said that the decorations for an event such as this usually went above and beyond; I guess everyone really wanted to put their best foot forward in showing their pride for Idizia.

I was all smiles today because not only was I going to spend a great weekend with friends as we partied and enjoyed the festivities of the holiday, but because my parents were also going to be here with me; it was like pulling teeth getting them both to come down here and finally the time had come for them to join me in the country where they too had come from themselves.

Everything was going so well; the palace on the royal side of things was unusually quiet. When I think of it now, I haven't seen Her Majesty the Empress around as I usually did when I was going about my business with PR relations issues; I thought perhaps she was busy with the celebrations for tonight's events that were taking up her time. I didn't think too much of it since I had my own preparations to get through, I headed out into the city with Éliane and Rose to my favorite hairdresser I had always gone to since I landed in Idizia to get my hair taken care of for the event, we also got facials, and our nails done to add the cherry to the top.

Rose wasn't going to the event, but she wasn't going to pass up a girls outing to have a little pampering and shopping spree to soothe her already stressed mind concerning her fashion internship; she had no issues letting us know the ins and outs and what it took to put pieces out for a brand, although she enjoyed it tremendously, it was showing her the reality of putting together a brand and why she needed the experience in the first place.

"So, I'm thinking of going small-scale first you know take more special-order clients like a couturier and stuff. It just makes more sense, I don't want to over-exert myself when the time comes." Rose continued going on about her current progress and MisOSou. "But the good news is that the owner really loves me and what I bring to the team and wants me to stay on as an employee, working under her until it's time to spread my wings!" She cheered gleefully.

Éliane and I smiled and clapped for Rose, "Congratulations, Rose!" Éliane said with a wide smile. I was happy for my best friend that she was finding success in the realm where she excelled the best in. She worked hard for what she did, a very clever mind she was when she majored in Business Communications and Accounting at Oak Ford, so she definitely knew her way around a calculator and the financial aspects of a business; it's funny how people never saw that facet of her due to her exterior appearance.

People always assumed because she was of wealthy, that she didn't "think" much and that most things were handed to her, but she proved herself time and time again that she was more than that. I was proud to be her friend, she deserved all the bits of success she could get in the world.

"So, I'm guessing this is a yes to staying permanently in Idizia?" I asked her with a curious arch of my brow, I lifted my flute of cherry champagne as I watched my friend cut into her lunch food carefully. "Hm? Uh yeah... I talked it over with my parents, I finally told them about Jaala too! I really like it here in Idizia, the people are so friendly and welcoming, I have a stable home and a boyfriend... I really don't need to back to Vancouver right now." She stated.

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