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Lurking of the lake

Gentle touch stay very close

Bells jingle perfect

Please note: The above picture is the Idizian flag. The bird on the flag is a Raggiana bird-of-paradise which symbolizes paradise and freedom. It is also known as a symbol of joy. I made it myself and wanted something that would represent Idizia and how it came to be.


The moment I opened my eyes, the blinding light of the sun seeped into my bedroom massacring my eyes in the process. I would've been angry with that happening to me if I hadn't already been an early bird, but there were times that I preferred to sleep in. Although whenever the maids came in, they would pull back the curtains in sneaky attempt to "subtly" awaken me from my slumber.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up in my bed looking around to see if anyone of the maids were around at the moment; I found one attempting to leave, but I stopped her with my voice.

"Good morning, your royal highness." She turned around and curtsied respectfully towards me. "What can I get you today?" She asked me.

I yawned lightly, my eyes beginning to adjust to my surroundings. "My standard breakfast today... and quickly I'm starving." I stated.

She bowed her head, "Right away, Prince Layton." She said before scurrying away.

I sighed and got up heading for the bathroom to relive myself. Once I was done, I quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth before returning to my living space where thankfully my food had appeared, neatly prepped and steaming hot waiting for me. I always enjoyed a traditional Idizian breakfast which consisted of North African style poached eggs, boiled salted potatoes, freshly baked Idizian flat bread with lime or tart cherry jam, a fresh fruit salad, and cherry hot coca.

It was the epitome of a fulfilling breakfast, I wouldn't have it any other way. I quickly sat down, instantly reaching for the hot spiced Cajun sauce and prepared to drizzle it all over the boiled potatoes; most people didn't like the sauce to go over their food because they claimed the intensity of the heat was almost unbearable, but I absolutely loved it; I nearly drowned my potatoes in the concoction.

As I ate peacefully in my dining area, I casually looked through my phone, ignoring my daily scheduled meetings as I looked through my social media; I easily scrolled through the different pictures my friends were posting in various locations.

My siblings and I were not allowed to have our own personal social media accounts for fear of being compromised or getting caught saying the wrong thing; it was the public relations person of the house that was responsible for interacting with the public. It annoyed me that I couldn't have the freedom of posting things like my other counterparts, but I did make fake accounts so I could browse through freely; I never posted anything though, I didn't need anyone tracing the account back to me.

After getting bored of looking through that, I finished eating up the rest of my meal not wasting a crumb of one of my favorite foods before quickly heading to bathe myself. I felt like I wanted to go for a swim today after my run so I dressed accordingly, throwing on some running shorts and a bland t-shirt that I didn't mind getting ruined with sweat and slipped on some trainers before heading out.

The one thing I took very seriously in my life was my health—drinking and recreational drugs aside, I did enjoy keeping my body fit and tight; I could be cute all I wanted in the face, as some women said, but nothing compared to having a well-toned and sculpted body. Running and swimming definitely helped me to achieve the kind of body that women desired in most men.

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