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World spins far away

Faintest sound as echoes pass

Echoes in silence


I barely slept a wink last night, I mean, how could I? I was getting married to the love of my life! Blake finally proposed to me and it was so unexpected, I was still shaking hours after he had asked me to. Oh, how I wanted to just take a day off of work so I could bask in happiness with him about our future together; a future we would now have to talk about seriously since we were going to be husband and wife. There was so much I realized I had to do, the first thing of course would be to sit down with Blake and talk about our future plans. We both were long-distance and something had to give, or else there would probably be more arguments in the future. The second thing, we had to figure out was where we were going to set up a home-base; I was looking into moving to Idizia permanently, but I didn't mind if he wanted to stay in Canada to work either; I was willing to compromise with him.

That's how relationships worked.

Then of course we had to talk about children, how many we wanted, how we wanted raise them... it was all so much! Not to mention that I wanted to get started on wedding planning as soon as possible.

But not before I talked to my mom and dad.

They were my biggest supports and they had to know I was engaged as it was formal Idizian etiquette for the spouse to ask for the hand in marriage; I couldn't wait to show them my ring, I was most pleased with it, although I would have very much preferred a colored gem to a purely diamond one.

It was all about unique qualities when it came to me, but I'd talk to Blake about that in the future when everything was less chaotic. After the club and eating a hangover meal, I stayed the night in Rose's place as mostly everyone did since they were way to smacked to do anything else; Cyril, Jaala, and Layton were the only ones who opted to go back to their own places for the night. I wasn't sure what was up with Layton, but it seemed his entire mood had soured sometime after eating and he hadn't spoken another word until it was time for him to leave.

I wondered if he was still mad that I plucked him from the club and took him away from his friends? Either way he shouldn't have been there to begin with, I can only hope he was being discreet about his moves because I did not need his little outbursts affecting his positive press runs that we worked so hard on maintaining.

Anyway, everyone for the most part was still sleeping before I left, I kissed Blake goodbye for the time-being since the orphanage event was today and I had to prepare accordingly. Éliane headed out with me and we jumped into the on-waiting car where Gerald was waiting for us so we could get back to the palace and change clothing; there was no way we were leaving with the dresses we had on, so we made sure to bring an extra pair of clothing when we all got to change back at Rose's place.

Éliane didn't have any club worthy dresses for the event and lucky her, Rose had been working on a few pieces for events such as this and had something for Éliane to wear; part of me thought she had this planned the entire time and finally had an excuse to give it to her since she was the one who suggested the club night to begin with.

She looked so cute and I got her to do her hair in these two cute braided puffs that she rocked so effortlessly; she even wore contacts for the night out so she could give the glasses a night-off, she looked so different when she didn't have the golden round rims around her face; not in a bad way, she looked so pretty both ways, but it was just different seeing her like this.

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