
422 53 33

Stories of success

Gift of life towards love's grace

Fish swim good and bad


"It's a wonder that I would ever see you again, Amani... I'm taking you saw my interview on national television?" Lisa's lips curved into a testing smile. I sat across from her, Rose on my left side, Éliane on my right. She sat a bit arrogantly against my formal living's space couch cradling her prominent stomach, but as I looked closer into her brown eyes, I slightly sensed a bit of anxiety.

She was nervous.

I could tell by the way her eyes at times would avert and study the décor of Maelony Palace. At times, her eyes would scurry over to Éliane with a curiosity, studying her as if she were some sort of competition that she had to out-do. I'm sure with her current situation, she was worried with her due date fast-approaching, Blake nowhere to be found not wanting to acknowledge his paternity to her child; she was desperate and with didn't hesitate "offered" to fly her over to Idizia so we could all "talk".

But Lisa was a smart girl. She knew we weren't here to all become best friends again, that ship had long-sailed, if I were her I wouldn't hold my breath concerning me every finding a piece of my heart to forgive her; she had betrayed me in the worst possible way. Way worse than someone like Blake, I could stomach him to a degree.... but her?

I despised her.

I pursed my lips, "I find it quite humorous that you think that I would ever bless your child as a godmother. You were pretty confident announcing that to the public... that will never happen, I promise you that." Lisa's gaze narrowed as I continued speaking, "Whatever clown you take me for, re-evaluate the thought. Being the godmother to a baby that was a result of my ex-boyfriend and ex-best friend should be something on a comedy special." I finished.

"Yeah, you were really dumb to say something like that... but I didn't expect you to be that bright, Lisa... that's why you accepted my invitation, right? You need something and I know what that something is." Rose cocked her head to the side, her long eyelashes batted against her hazel gaze as she continued spectating Lisa's increasingly uncomfortable figure.

Lisa casted a heated look at Rose, "How about you shut up! I'm here to talk with Amani, right?" She rolled her eyes and turned back to me, her nosed bunched up in a snotty way before relaxing back to a neutral expression. "What do you want?" She asked abruptly.

I sighed deeply, "I thought at least if you were here, you would at least apologize for going behind my back for years." I said to her.

Lisa averted her gaze scoffing slightly, "I don't regret anything in all honesty... clearly you weren't good enough to keep Blake interested and I was." She shrugged her shoulders lightly as if she were unbothered by the entire situation, "Keep up next time." She finished.

My jaw clenched at her words.

She was such a heartless bitch! It was crazy that now that the blinders of friendship were off of my eyes, her true nature was showing. Had she always been like this? Bitter? Envious? How long had she watched Rose and I prosper in our lives and patiently waited until she could strike? So, she could "take us down a few notches" so she could seem as if she were better than us; it screamed insecurity to me.

Pathetic even.

Rose let out a belting laugh that tore my gaze away from Lisa temporarily so I could see what was up with her. Rose sat there covering her mouth lightly as she attempted to suppress the amusement coming from her, "You can't be serious!" She managed to say through her giggles. Lisa looked at her with a look of dismay, "Serious about what?!" She inquired.

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