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Fog shrouds silently

Burning love assaults the air

Night covers vivid


I've never been to a royal event before. I mean I've been to really fancy dinners as a young girl, all the works that came with being a child of wealthy businessman. But I don't think anything quite prepared anyone for a party that involved people of noble bloodlines. Like this was unreal, kind of like a fairytale book... or maybe like Cinderella except I'm wasn't looking for my prince charming, I already had one.

After the successful interview and photoshoot, I was in a particularly good mood. I spoke with her majesty the Empress afterwards about how it went and she was pleased to hear that her sons behaved for the majority of the event.

           For the remainder of the day, Éliane and I went out to get our hair done by a hairdresser for the event tonight. As employees of the Royal family, we were always invited to big events like this unless told otherwise.

As we returned back to the palace to get dressed, Éliane was informing me of all the small etiquette details when it came to meeting nobility. I had no idea how to address them because I had never been in the presence of one before.

"Okay, so when meeting an Oleo—." I cut her off at the mention of the unfamiliar word.

"Wait! An Oleo?" I questioned her.

Éliane looked pensive as she thought of the English equivalent for the word she had just sporadically thrown at me, "That would be considered a lady... like in other cultures the daughter of what some people call Duchesses and Dukes... remember everything comes from the maternal line here." She reminded me, to which I responded with a simple head nod.

I urged for her to continue.

"Oli's are considered lords...again the son of the whatever nobility rank they come from." Éliane shifted in her seat lightly, her hand carelessly twisting against the curls in her hair. "After the Dormeni and Dormenos, there's the lesser classes such as the Larqollas—for women, and Larqolle for men. Then the Koorolas and Koorol, Muraness and Murane, and finally the Zuless and Zule." She turned to me slightly, "I know it can be a lot, but you get used to it pretty quickly." She assured me.

I smiled softly, "Wow... so essentially how did these people get their titles?" I questioned her.

Éliane cocked her head to the side before she spoke, "Well... I'm not too well-versed in royal history, but I do know that these families for generations on generations were direct allies of the first empress and during the initial revolution, due to their significant help in securing the regions from being overthrown again were granted land and titles to pass down to their future heirs. It was a great honor and people hold onto them very proudly." She smiled after she finished speaking.

I was very intrigued. "That's so interesting to hear. I should probably read up more on this stuff, I seem to be missing a lot of key notes about Idizia." I stated.

Éliane shrugged, "The royal library has tons of books about this kind of stuff and the first Empress, maybe whenever you get free time, you can go and take a look... we're free to go in there if we like." She informed me.

I thanked her, "Maybe I will...I think it will help me a lot more getting used to this royal culture." Éliane simply gave me another bright smile before turning her gaze back out to the window. The rest of the ride went in comfortable silence as Rose and I texted each other back and forth, she was excited to hear that I was going to a royal party and wanted me to send her a picture of my finished look for the night, I told her I would try to remember before shoving my phone back into my purse.

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