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Failure of friendship

Last farewell silenced no more

Failing of the spring


         "Give me the phone." I didn't give Amani much time to react, I had already managed to snatch it right from her hand, silently apologizing before I brought my ear to the receiver. Ever since hearing about the photo incident and how Blake was using that lapse in judgement on Amani's part to open up the possibility of being Emperor, I was quite furious and hungry for another opportunity to meet with him myself and punch him right in the face like he deserved to be.

            Amani had gone through enough in just a period of a few short months, him adding fuel to the fire, giving her another reason to lose sleep at night only propelled my hate for him further, I would end it today via phone call, if he had the nerve to step to her once more...

            There will be hell to pay.

            "What the fuck do you want?" I snarled into the phone once he hadn't said anything.

            "This is Amani's phone." Blake replied to me blandly.

            "And I am speaking on it, any other common statements you want to make? Perhaps you might want to note how blue the sky is today... or maybe how vibrantly green the grass is as well." I toyed with him.

            I could tell he was getting frustrated on the other side of the line with my words.

            "I would like to speak to her, not her guard dog thank you very much." He sneered.

            I scoffed, "Unfortunately, if you don't have anything of significance to tell her, I will do no such thing. But as far as I am concerned, you've been doing nothing but harassing her with pictures...if you don't mind me asking how are those pictures doing by the way?" I knew the answer to this question Istanbul had made it clear any trace of those photographs wherever they were located were completely obliterated, I wondered to myself how Blake would spin it now.

            Blake lowly growled on the phone growing more impatient as we continued to speak, "Whatever freaks, you punks sent out hacked my phone and now they are nowhere to be found, I bet you're happy about that? Your little girlfriend's dignity it saved, hm?" He scoffed.

            I clucked my tongue at his words, "You know it really takes a coward to do what you did, Blake... I mean you were that desperate you resulted in the lowest forms of betrayal in an attempt to get someone you had hurt by your mistake. I think calling you a dog would be an understatement." I stated.

            Blake's laughter rung throughout the other side of the speaker, "That's rich coming from you! The playboy Prince now turned good-man, you expect anyone to believe that... Amani of all people to believe the act you're putting on!" He argued.

            Beside me I watched as Amani had both of her hands on her hip as she listened in on our conversation with a stale face, as much as I was taking amusement in all of this, she wasn't; in fact, I'm sure she was getting tired of having Blake and Lisa reappear in her life the way they were trying to at the moment and I had to say, I agreed with that. I returned my attention back to the cellphone to reply back this poor excuse for a man.

            "I don't need anyone to believe anything because it isn't an act. I've turned a new leaf and the people of Idizia respect that. You on the other hand, I don't think you're so well-received by our people... they want you to go back where you came from." I said to him.

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