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Balloon drifts at day

Fresh footstep leaves home once more

Baby crawls sudden


"Mukami... is that really you?" I heard Grandma Zenny's voice call from the far end of the table. Within the Iris dinning space, it seemed that everyone had turned their attention from their meal to the new surprising guest that had chosen to grace us with her presence.

Layton and Amory's mother.

I had never seen in her in the flesh, but the photographs didn't do her any justice; she was a lot older than the pictures of her in her late teens and early 20's showed. Her hair was shorter and like a firecracker, it was a remarkable pulsating copper that definitely immediately pulled one's attention the moment she moved her head.

Her eyes were big and round, even now currently overlooking the table they were filled with such excitement, I feared she was forgetting to blink here and there. Her long eyelashes keeping still as her intense baby-blues twinkled with slight mischief. Mukami's face was a lot more rounded, with a slightly pointed chin, her cheeks were also high and when she smiled the small wrinkles beside her eyes flexed alongside the deepening of the dimples between both of her cheeks; she had a youthful nature attached to her despite the length in her age.

She looked outstanding! Especially with her dressed to a T in a crème designer dress that she adorned with stunning jewels on her wrists, neck, and ears; she looked like money. Seeing her in person, I could now see the resemblance she had between the twins and Fionn; I reckon Layton telling me she also had a younger child, their sister Chinasa but I did not see her here.

Mukami's eyes averted from mine momentarily to gaze upon Grandma Zenaida, her smile growing wider, threatening to burst she quickly rushed over to her brashly encasing my grandmother with delight. "Lemay Z! Her voice muffled through her shoulder as she bent to hug her tightly.

Lemay—the Idizian word for aunt was what Mukami used to address my grandmother. I saw how easily she by-passed the formality that most nobles carried when they were around the Imperial Family; it was clear Mukami was considered along the lines of family because no one seemed to be appalled by how this courageous woman was behaving right now. My grandmother and Mukami eventually pulled from each other, I watched as Grandma Zenny held Mukami's face between her hands as she gazed at her, "This cannot be... I thought for sure something had happened to you, where have you been?" She asked her with sincere curiosity.

Mukami turned her gaze slightly to where Madeline and Julius both sat, both of them seeming to cower under her gaze as soon as she met their shocked expressions. "It's so funny you say that Lemay... I have so much to discuss... but first I'd just love to see everyone's faces right now." She turned away from the former Royal Family and met gazes with my mother who at the current moment was in complete shock seeing her old friend.

I watched as she stood up abruptly, both of them pausing for a brief second before colliding into each other's arms, embraced within tightly, eyes closed and smiled wide with pure joy. They both swung around lightly before breaking apart to look at each other once more, "Look at you, Liya... you haven't aged a day!" She complimented her.

My mother rolled her eyes, "I could say the same for you... you look amazing!" She returned the compliment. Mukami waved her hands dismissively, "I'm getting there... but alas, that is life, huh?" She looked over to where my father and uncle were sitting.

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